I have no clever display nameâ„¢ profile picture

I have no clever display nameâ„¢

If it's not in Pasco County(FLORIDA), don't invite me. :O

About Me

My name is Alishya, and I live in good old port shitty(port richey). I figured I'd update my little blurb about myself here since I haven't edited my profile in about a year, but then I realized that I don't have even the slightest damn clue what to write. If I deny your friend request for whatever reason, don't keep adding me constantly, because there's obviously a reason why I denied you in the first place. Also, don't add me if you're never going to talk to me. I expect some kind of contact before you add me or within a few days of adding me otherwise you'll be deleted because you're just wasting space on my list. That goes for everyone except band profiles. I have a boyfriend, so any "hook up" comments/messages will be deleted/marked as spam and you will be blocked. I don't care how hot you think you are, I'm not interested.
That being said, if you want to talk to me(and have a legitimate conversation). feel free to send me a message or add me.

My Interests

INTERESTS Guitar AIM Music Phone BuddyPic.. Poetry Songwriting Sketching Cartooning HTML Web Design Graphic Design

I'd like to meet:

The one and only, Kathleen Hanna.

And maybe some cool people to talk to when I get bored. Some "real" people, perhaps. People who aren't caught up in trying to look like some 'gorgeous disaster' or some shit.
By the way, I gotta make a quick rant. Those shoe things, "flats" or whatever.. They're fucking hideous. So are those gross sequin purse things, AND the stupid matching belts. Haha what is wrong with people? lol ok I am done.


Weekly Top Artists:


MOVIES Day After Tomorrow Saw I/II AIRPLANE! Wedding Crashers Queen Of The Damned Detroit Rock City War of The Worlds LOTR Trilogy BETTER OFF DEAD Not Another Teen Movie The Glass House Amityville Horror(Original) Carrie Rocky Enemy At The Gates Dukes of Hazzard Eurotrip


TELEVISION Roseanne Full House Cosby Show [Nick At Nite] Comedy Central


BOOKS Hiroshima - John Hersey House of Leaves - Mark Danielewski Night - Elie Wiesel Queen Of The Damned - Anne Rice Taltos - Anne Rice Vittorio The Vampire - Anne Rice Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger


You know who you are.

My Blog

So, it's been about three months since my last blog.

I guess maybe I should fill you all in on what's happened since my last update.As of January 9th, Me and James are dating again. We're doing pretty good from what I can tell so I've been in a pretty ...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 01:53:00 PST

Oh my I haven't posted a blog in forever..

Wow I really haven't posted a blog in a long time. well, probably because nothing really happened for me to post about. well some things did but I'd rather not publicly post that on the internet. Hm, ...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 02:33:00 PST


I am sick and tired of having my bulletin board flooded with whore bulletins. It's spam. the same shit everybody hates getting in their email inbox every day. Don't tell me it's not spam, becuase you...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 03:04:00 PST

Wow I just realized how long it's been since I last updated.

So I just realized how long it's been since I last updated my blog --I tend to use LiveJournal's blogs more often than my My Space. So I decided to update. James and I are doing pretty good. We may p...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 06:13:00 PST

so a squirrel threw a nut at me the other day.

Its true. I happened. Mrs Adair sent me to ISS to drop some work off for a student, and on my way back, I was walking out to my portable, and as I was walking under that big tree, I felt something hit...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 02:18:00 PST

wow this is sort of depressing

I was on bp(buddypic), and out of curosity, I searched up people in New Orleans. now that im going through the pages and pages of peoples profiles, its kind of depressing going through them and lookin...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 02:27:00 PST

I am beginning to take after James

not as an insult to James or anything.. its just how he is, but yeah.. lately, EVERYTHING seems to annoy me. little things.. now its even annoying me THAT those things annoy me in the first place...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 03:17:00 PST

im... not liking this.

well, I went to that dreammoods.com site, and looked some things up. I could only find info about teh thing with my grandmas dog ollie. well, apparently a dying or dead dog means the loss of a loved ...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 10:01:00 PST

Ive been having some interesting dreams lately..

Well. Usually, I dont remember my dreams. Well, at least not many of them. but Lately, ive been remembering almost ALL of them, and I dont know why. Anyway, the dreams that I have been having are very...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

LMAO@my mom

my parents recently started a business called Cat Petroleum Transport Inc. They wanted me to design the company logo, so I did. I just emailed it to my mom so she can save it on HER computer. she walk...
Posted by I have no clever display name" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST