Welcome to Hill TV !
Your Audience Awaits.
Hill TV is dedicated to providing alternative production and dissemination of any and all forms of media. The world of mass media is filled with deception and tainted by corporate commercial interests. There is no way for young and talented writers, artists, musicians and directors to break in to the industry without selling their souls, relying on luck or knowing somebody.
The internet is the only method our generation of authors, film makers, artists and song writers have of getting information to the public. Home computers can create and edit movies, TV shows, novels and interactive media, like graphics and flash animation. But how does the average person with very little cash do this?
We'll tell you how. Essentially, if you can help us take down the media giants and return the power of free and honest speech to America, we'll help you do whatever you want.
So get your brain in gear. Write something. Film something. Record something. If you do it, we'll see it. We're up at Hill TV. It's no big deal...
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