Fraser profile picture


50% of Frasers work 100% of the time

About Me

"Don't ever tell anyone anything. If you do you start missing everybody."

My Interests

Comedy, theatre, soccer, travel, hockey, politics, Film, Improv, Swimming, Biking, the CBC, Documentaries, Playing guitar and drums, seeing live music,

I'd like to meet:

Christopher Guest, Larry David, Saku Koivu, Winston Churchill, Tony Danza, Alf


Radiohead, Metric, Broken Social Scene, Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Joel Plaskett, Arcade Fire, the Strokes, Neill Young, Buck 65, Wolf Parade, Wu-tang Clan, Wintersleep, Eliot Smith, Johnny Cash, Wilco, the Shins, Sam Roberts, Bob Marley, Feist, the Unicorns, Metal Hearts, the Raconteurs, Fugazi, Interpol, Animal Collective, Belle Orchestre, Sufjan Stevens, TV on the Radio


American History X, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Saving Private Ryan, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, 25th Hour, The Princess Bride, Braveheart, Anchorman, Spinal Tap, A Mighty Wind, Napoleon Dynamite, Office Space, Rounders, Before Sunset, Best in Show, No Direction Home,


Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, the Office, Seinfeld, SNL, Simpsons, HNIC, Kids in the Hall, the National, da Ali G show, The Wedge, The Hour, Undeclared


A Seperate Peace, A Clockwork Orange, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Richard III, Merchant of Venice, Bob Dylan 56-66


Michael Richards, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise...not so much!