Anyone who is making great shit...
Pearl Jam, Chopin, U2, Wyclef, Springsteen, Peter Gabriel, Waits, Outkast, Modest Mouse, Pharcyde, Bjork, Chris Cornell, Foo Fighters, STP, Sublime, Mazzy, Nirvana, 2Pac, Neko, RadioHead, Paul Simon, Alice, Beck, Billie Holiday, Tori, Patsy Cline, Bukowsical!, Coldplay, Regina Spektor, Elvis, NIN, The Doors, Chili Peppers, RKelly (seriously...what is this guy thinking?!),Prince, Vertigo Venus, DeathCab, Postal Service, Ugly Casanova, Coco Rosie, Sea Wolf, Rilo Kylie,
Into The Wild (fuck, what a movie), Michael Clayton, All the Godfathers, Taking The Jesus Pill, Mulholland Drive, Dogville, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Love Actually, Citizen Kane, Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein, A Life in the Theatre, Blazing Saddles, Last Tango in Paris, From Here to Eternity, The Misfits, Superman, Bowling for Columbine, Little Miss Sunshine, Fahrenheit911, The Contender, State of Grace,
Colbert (...Nation!...), Heroes, Jon Stewart, Cheaters, Presidential Debates, Conaan Obriiiiiaann, CSI Miami, Original Star Trek, Grey's, Muppet Show, All in the Family,
Bukowski, unbearable lightness, murphy and all things beckett, a confederacy of dunces, michael mcclure, ishmael, robert creely, agony & ecstacy, neil labute,