EVERYTHING and NOTHING. I love theatre, music (vocal and instrumental), dancing, books (poetry, mystery, plays), writing (books, poetry - sonnets - songs, plays, et. al.), and hanging out with my superdy-duperdy cool friends.
William Shakespeare and Alfred Lord Tennyson because they were both amazing writers. Anne Rice comes in third.
Of course I can't wait to meet my adoring fans! I know they're out there somewhere!
And then, last but not least - cornyesque I know - my One.
Currently, the top two spots are occupied by 30 SECONDS TO MARS and MELISSA ETHERIDGE because they both make poetry out of sound. There are other artists who I categorize with them, there are simply too many to name right here.
On a completely different note (no pun intended) I would have to say that HOTEL CALIFORNIA is one of the most awesome songs ever written, but I love music in general - ESPECIALLY SHOW TUNES!!!!!
Even if my ears are screaming at me for listening to a song or style, I can always find SOMETHING good to say about it. In my humble opinion, music isn't really good or bad; music just IS.
Currently sitting at the top of my favorites list are THE DEPARTED and 300. Both of them are positively phenomenal.
Then, Kudos to the cult classics of the past such as THE CROW and most all of Tim Burton's movies.
It was simply amzing - well-filmed, brilliantly cast, and altogether moving!! Not to mention that men who sing are a HUGE bonus!!! And they're all HOT!!
I thought that WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S ROMEO AND JULIET was a really awesome movie becuase it brought the amazing language of old into a modernday setting and made the story tangible to a whole new audience (namely a bunch of tweens with Leonardo DiCaprio posters on their walls but others as well).
Also, I adore ANGELS IN AMERICA. It's six hours long, and I was p****d that I had to rent two DVDs in order to watch it, but it was totally worth it becuase it followed the play it was based on so well.
Others include AMERICAN BEAUTY (pretty much most Kevin Spacey movies are good, but this one was just exceptional), FINDING NEVERLAND, QUILLS, SENSE & SENSIBILITY, BRAVEHEART, THE GIRL NEXT DOOR (I didn't want to see it at first, but it was actually pretty awesome), MOULIN ROUGE (it almost made me cry and I DON'T cry at movies), and there are about a million others . . . . . . . . . .
Hands down, LAW AND ORDER: Special Victims Unit. I am shamed to say that I am completely addicted, but it helped with Mock Trial, so I guess it's not toooo bad. Also, WILL AND GRACE, because, hey, you need both to survive. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? was the absolute coolest show in the world when I was little, and if it was still on the air, I'd watch it every day (man I miss SNICK!).
Full house will always hold a special place in my heart because I once had a semi-crush on John Stamos (you know, Uncle Jesse).
Okay, I have to say, WEEDS is a definite killer show! I adore it completely.(Gaw, Ryan, thanks for adding yet another addiction to my list!)
Do you REALLY want to ask me that?
Well, I'll keep it short. Here's are some of the absolute favs:
~ANYTHING by - you guessed it! - William Shakespeare
~The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
~"Angels In America" by Tony Kushner
~The Harry Potter books
~Dan Brown
~I'll read ANY play at least once
........and sooooo many more!!!
William Shakespeare (if you didn't know that was going to be there, then you haven't been paying attention), God (I know he should come BEFORE Shakespeare, but you've gotta cut me some slack), Big Mac, My fAnTaLaBuLoUs Kenneth (practically my brother), my darling Ryan DeMoville (ultimate prince charming), LaUrEn StErBaN (cuzz shez my gurl!!), Tiffany Hussey, Jen Zellem, Alex Wilkins, Eric Nieters, Greenbean, Jon Hood, Mark Fyke, Andy "Yoda" Bulso, Adria Gibbs (because she's a genius and gave me her old computer ~thank you, EI!!!), Emily Nix, Cory Curtsinger, my brother Jack(y), Will Blunderfield, KatKat (look at me I'm cute), Megan (giggle for me!), Cassie (Spoon!!), Stephen (My son!!), Bri (My DIL!!), Brian (meow!), Remy (We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass!!) . . . . . {and I could go on, but these are on the top of the list}