ARS MORIENDI profile picture


ARS MORIENDI - Fucking Thrashmetal

About Me

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BANDINFO:The band was formed in August 1998 by Christian Keimel (drums) and Heiko Ernstreiter (lead guitar), in September 1998 Michael Wegleitner (vocals/rhythm guitar) joined. In October of the same year the band was completed by a bass player, who left again in August 1999 because of musical differences and time problems. In January 2000 we recorded our first demo CD and provided our thzen newest title "World of Hate" for the "All Different All Equal"-Sampler of the JUZ Spektrum.
Long after the bass player left we at last found compensation for him in Michael Kriegl, but he also had to leave in June 2002 due to prior commitments in his work.
In April 2003 we found a suitable bass player in Thomas Iberer. After we rehearsed new songs with this line-up, we started recording our real debut "Dissimulated" in December 2003. The release of this 5-Track-Album was more often postponed than we had imagined due to timely problems of the studio-technician. Still we managed to release it in mid-July as a self-production.
Since September 2004 we are again working industriously on new songs for a new and full length CD with max. 10 tracks. The songs are going to be more compact and direct, but also more demanding and intensive.
Our EP "Your Soul On Our Screen" was released Dec. 2005 and contains 3 tracks which should give you a taste of the album, recorded in winter 2005 and spring 2006. Concerning the style, it will hook up to older material but it will also have some surprises in store.
For the year 2006 more gigs outside Austria are planned and in part already arranged. Furthermore we can be seen on tour in April.
In April 2006 our drummer Chri left us for reasons of musical and personal readjustment, however we swiftly found replacement in Mike who formerly was a member of Rebellion Flag.
In June 2006 we will record our Debut Album "Journey To Your Agony". It will be released in early December 2006 at NoiseHead Records.
After we finished the hole recording of our new record we found a new suitable second giutarist. His name is Chris and used to play in Impurity and other bands.
In August 2006 we had to replace our bass player. We wish Tom, who was and will remain our good friend and who was a member of the band for a long time, a lot of succes with his new band/s. Finally we found Yosh and came to the conclusion that he had to become our new, appropriate bass player.
After these frequent changes of members, we are eager to enter the stage in an almost entirely new line-up.
Our style combines mainly Thrash- and Deathmetal, but because there are too many influences in our music. The songs excel in their powerful guitarriffs, which vary between midtempo-passages and thrashy licks, but which also allow two-voiced melody-soli. The drums, which masterly underline the groovy parts, are reinforced by a genuine bass. Last but not least the songs get their distinguished character by their aggressive vocals. The lyrics tell of death and dying, but if you read between the lines, you can discover the hidden sociocritical quintessence.
Our past concert highlights were with bands like Soilwork, Hatesphere, Construcdead, Mastic Scum, Chimaira, Tankard, Vader, Pungent Stench, Fleshcrawl, Hypnos, Deadlock, Gorerotted and many others.

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My Interests


Member Since: 12/9/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: AT THIS MOMENT WE DON'T SEARCH FOR NEW MEMBERS!Michael Wegleitner (voc/lyrics/band organisation stuff)
Heiko Ernstreiter (guit/music/programming)
Influences: Too many to list them up, but we all listen to Thrash-, Death-, Heavy Metal and Metalcore, some of us listen to Hardcore! So these are the influences which make Ars Moriendi so interesting!
Sounds Like: Listen to our music and make your own decision!

Visit the homepage of our Recordlable!

CD 2006"Journey To Your Agony" [14, exkl. Porto]Still Available

Our Maxi CD 2005 "Your Soul On ..." [4, exkl. Porto] Our EP 2004 "Dissimulated" [7, exkl. Porto]Out of print

Split 2006"with Retared Noise Squad" lim. 300 Pieces Demo 2000"Ars Moriendi" lim. 125 Pieces

Sampler"Legacy"06/2004 Sampler"TNT" Vol. 1

Sampler"Arising Realm"002 Sampler"All Equal..." 2000
IF YOU ARE A BOOKING AGENCY, OR IF YOU ORGANIZE CONCERTS:Please Mail us, we are open for playing in every vacation. Just drop us a line as a comment or writes us to our bandmailadress: [email protected] OWN BOOKING AGENCY: Mich is doing it with Gernot of Perishing Mankind

Record Label: NoiseHead Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

we take a breake until .......... ????

Hey - just one short info. We take a breake until time is right for new work as ARS MORIENDI. Don't ask why, don't ask how long it take! THANKS M.    ...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 03:43:00 PST


So meine Liebe Myspace Gemeinde.. Da Perishing Mankind, Eventide und Ars Moriendi am MetalCamp 07 spielen haben wir uns gedacht, ach wissts was wir haun uns wie letztes Jahr auf an Haufen und ver...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:03:00 PST

Schlechte Nachricht - Bad News

12.03.2007 | Auf Ginkes Winsch auch auf deutsch ;)  ...Leider müssen wir aus folgenden Gründen eine Live-Pause einlegen: Wir haben zurzeit bei zwei von unseren Mitgliedern berufliche Änderungen, ...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:13:00 PST

MySpace Hackers...A bunch of shitheads!

Flash redirect - users who are signed into MySpace and visit a link posted in a Bulletinor elsewhere on profile of someone will be redirected to a fake MySpace Log-in page. It says, you need to Log-in...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 12:00:00 PST


  NOCH MEHR BILDER: Vader's Bilder...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:47:00 PST


We actually have found a new guitarplayer. His name is Chris (ex-Impurity). You can see more details on our bands Homepoage: See him first time live with us together on the stage ...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 02:33:00 PST


25.07.2006: Yeahh we are back from Metalcamp and it was a fucking great Party!!! First of all we want to thank the audience during our performance at Metalcamp, you girls and guys were fucking amaz...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 04:28:00 PST

Ars Moriendi - Searching for Bookers

Hey out there.. we are loking for bookers, or bands who want to do gig exchanges with us (Europe).. Please let us know if you are interested and I give you more information and details.. take care mic...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 09:33:00 PST


Flyers from the Concerts 2006   Flyers from the Concerts 2005 . ...
Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Concert Flyer for the 7. January 2005

Posted by ARS MORIENDI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST