Somebody fucked up and gave me a music class for 12th graders, HA! and to continue on... Having a conversation with someone who shares the same paradigm, but they sit like three seats over. But I also like to try and understand imperialism from the illusive, abstract, benevolent point of view. I like rough sports. And when I do write, I am exponentially less shy and tend to phrase myself much better than in a real life conversation (although emails, I don't know, they can be like conversations-I have confused and befuddled many a friend that way) it's like catching those small ass fish with your hands. If I didn't write I would be in jail, or because I am cunning, hiding out in Chile.Movies are important, as is producing some sort of visual answer to highs and lows, (I prefer finger painting and play-doe). Reading books. Reading ancient texts, reading the constellations, wining and dining, earning that next paycheck and investing off-shore, Being 100% honest all the time, also cooking, cleaning, complying. Dance off's.
my folks
HA! that's more work than its worth.