Butt God profile picture

Butt God

Impossibilium cupitor

About Me

You adapt, evolve, compete, or die. Right now there are 17 million people having sex and your lame ass is reading my profile. I am the type of person that always goes for it on 4th down. I am more then willing to risk 99% of me on a 1% chance. I am very loyal to my friends, screw with one of them and I will have no problem crossing the lines of accepted behavior to ruin your day. I pursue the martial and literary arts with equal intensity. I am a gambler with life and an adventurer at heart. I love the untried path rather than a safe, reliable one. Life is a journey, and adventure and endlessly interesting, rich with possibilities. I am an incurable optimist with big dreams, aspiriations and hopes for the future. Not much can crush my spirit. I always seem to bounce back from disappointments. I like to see the big picture and go from there. Details sometimes are bothersome to me and I am willing to let others work with the details. I am open and direct and I am sometimes accused of being blunt and tactless. I don't take myself too seriouslyand maybe you should not either? I am attracted to people with brains, wit, humor, that possess a gift for thinking outside the box, and general well rounded athleticism. I believe good has a moral obligation to wipe out all things evil. I like most people and dislike most authority. I have a soft spot for children, puppies, and all things defenseless. I have never followed a conventional path nor do I do the basics just because it is the societal norm and I will never apologize for it either.I am forever an insomniac and I am addicted to cable news television. I ultimately aspire to be a D.I.L.F.
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My Interests

Fitness,Surfing, Hiking, Swimming, Outrigger Canoe, Classical Japanese Martial Arts, Nikken, Hawaiian Culture, Music, Movies, Books, Politics, History, Spiritual, Auto Racing Fan, Foreign Langauges, Psych Ops, Debate, Collecting Spooky Ghost Stories, Being a Bad Example etc etc...

I'd like to meet:

I am in the process of changing my mind on who I want to meet. When I figure it out I will be sure to let you know.


Hip Hop, Jazz, Classic Rock, Alternative, limited Country, Hawaiian, Reggae.


Whodunits, Action, Drama, Mystery, Car Chases, Explosions, Plots with Twists and Turns, Historical Pieces. Not cool with Hard Core Porn but like T andA. I can stomach chick flicks in small doses provided I am in the right company. My favs are The Count of Monte Cristo, Seven, Silence of the Lambs, Mississippi Burning, JFK, The Yagyu Clan Conspiracy... this list could take a while.


It is not a lie to say I read roughly 100 books a year. Trying to think of my favorite is rather hard. Recently I read Across the Nightingale Floor, re-read The 48 Laws of Power, and Miyamoto Musashi: His Life and Writings. Gift certificates to Borders, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.com are always appreciated.


Your results:
You are The Flash The Flash 95% Green Lantern 90% Batman 80% Hulk 80% Catwoman 80% Iron Man 80% Supergirl 70% Wonder Woman 65% Robin 65% Spider-Man 60% Superman 50% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

My Blog

Scam at Costco

Heads up for you and any of your friends who may be regular Costco customers. Over the last month I became the victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get  suppl...
Posted by Butt God on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 06:00:00 PST


I am a registered Republican since the age of 18 that: - thinks Bush is a moron - supports gay marriage - is pro-choice - is against capital punishment - has JFK as a role model - loves the show The W...
Posted by Butt God on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:55:00 PST

Things I hate...

  1. Ann Coulter : What's a proper hate list without her?2. [email protected] :  Yeah, I got the address wrong. No need to be so smug about it.3. Holiday in Hell:  K...
Posted by Butt God on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 08:03:00 PST

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

If given the choice of a) being the one to end the relationship, b) charming a cobra out of a wicker basket, or c) snatching food off Star Jone's plate, I'd pick one of the latter two (probably the ve...
Posted by Butt God on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 02:38:00 PST

Sticking up for the Little Guy (Jude Law)

Sticking Up For the Little Guy, Jude Law: Bigger Doesn't Mean Better    The most romantic thing my ex-girlfriend ever said to me had nothing to do with love and everything to do with anothe...
Posted by Butt God on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 04:27:00 PST

Guilty Pleasures

No Denying it. 23 guilty pleasure men will never cop to, but will always be slaves to. 1. Fantasizing about her friends, her cousin, her mom, and all of the other women whose hotness is multiplied by...
Posted by Butt God on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 01:55:00 PST

Before you cheat on her...

Monogamy Rules: A few things to remember before you cheat on a woman. 1. When presented with the ideal cheating scenario - that is, if a flying saucer lands in the cornfield where you happen to be st...
Posted by Butt God on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 05:44:00 PST


*************Spoiler Alert**************   Don't read the title of this blog!  Before you get mad, at least I did not tell you that Snape killed him. That would have been a real dick move. &...
Posted by Butt God on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Revenge of the Sith

Well, Lucas did it again. That fat necked, no writing, egomaniacal son of a pig blowing bitch, did it again. He took a generational piece of Americana, melted it down, put it on one of those clay whe...
Posted by Butt God on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. My perspective.

One thing that most people dont know about me, is that every once in a while, I get sucked into watching a romantic comedy. I generally hate the Summers-Eve-soaked nonsense that Hollywood puts into...
Posted by Butt God on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST