About Me
There comes a time in every young mans life when he is faced with the
choice - take the road less traveled or choose the easy way out and give in
to the typical ways of this world. For Vlad, Record of Life front man, this
time came at the age of 17. When two of the bandmates decided to suddenly
walk out on him, he was left with no one but Larry, the bass player, and a
passion for music. After numerous failed attempts to bring the band back
together, he realized that God has a diffrent plan, when he met Vovik, a
guitar player who lived next door. Immediatly the guys started playing
together and writing. With the new lineup came new inspiration, which gave
birth to their first song, "He Still Loves You," a powerfull rock ballad.
Excited for what God was doing in their life, the band was still in need of
drummer who would share the same vision and passion for their music. Their
prayers were answered half a year later, when Vovik's brother, Moses,
decided to try out, even though he had little experience on the drums. As
time went on, the young drummer honed his craft by practicing countless
hours and playing local shows.
In January 2006, the band started to work in the studio on their first
recordings. While juggling work, recording sessions, playing live shows and
school, the guys managed to record "Louder," their first EP, which speaks of
hope, survival and living for a greater purpose. "Sometimes we complain that
God doesn't hear us and our prayers, but we don't realize that all we have
to do is simply ask Him louder." -Vlad, ROL.