Hello my name is Nathalie.. I have my occasional hyperactive moods, but I consider myself pretty easygoing and open-minded. I love art, travelling, music, spending time with my friends and family, cooking (combinations of those are always good), socialising and the summer (who doesn't..), driving Andy insane, going out...well you know, the usual... On rainy days I often find myself painting or drawing or doing useless things like astrology...
Originally I come from Holland, but since last January I live in Manchester. I can't say it was love at first sight but I have to admit that I do start to appreciate the city now I'm here a little longer...
If you wanna check out my artwork, go to:
I haven't been very productive with paint recently 'cause I'm broke...Just in case you wonder why the most recent thingy's are only digital shite... I'll upload a bunch off pen-drawings soon tho!
If you like the track on my space check out my friend Dermot's site http://www.myspace.com/cainscale he's got some brilliant tracks there :)
Anyhoo, this will do for now...