Im am a singa that is even my nick name well one of them. Anything that has to do with music i am down for anything.
It is not of importance right now i need to take care of me first, love me first then i can worry about caring for others its gonna take time but i hope its not long.
Ive realized that lookin back can open scars that can affect whats goin on with u now scars that may or maynot be completely healed regrets uve had things uve done in the past that will haunt u just by glancin back on it. i try so hard not to but because of my mistakes i have to look back as if my neck and head had a mind of its own and i see the man i was and i hate him but changing is so hard cuz the past creeps up when u least expect it and stabs u in the back i refuse to look back anymore cuz its blockin my vision. Keep ur head held hi and straight ahead at the life you want to lead and if u keep ur vision clear u will see the future. People make mistakes but dwell in them and u will drown in the river of ur sorrow. Ive been there to long and now that my vision is almost where i want it to be i can see the my future.....
I just hope its the future i want to live i hope im successful i hope that i will survive
My favorite of the poems ive writtenView All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
The ShaDoW/Singa call me whateva ya want but one note from me and your girl will be on her knees. So hold on tight cuz its gonna be a hell of a ryde.
Bruce Lee:Enter the Dragon and Chinese Connection Will Smith and Martin Lawrence: Bad Boyz and Bad Boyz ll these are the movie that noone can say they dont like.
Family Guy Thats it nothing else Quagmire Giggity Giggity Giggity he he AAAAAAAaaaaaaaalllllright
Any book that has a clef, measure, music notes, and lyrics.
The people who take life by the balls and do what they dream of doing living the life they chose. Heroes are people who talk to me like im their equal who dont talk down to me who inspire me to do better not yell at me about what im doin wrong. Someone who call tell me what im doing right without saying but. Someone who can take the negative things that ive done and find a positive way to turn me into a more positive person. Last but the most important the people who dont critisize and if they have to are not HYPOCRITS