PUFF PUFF and the RECEIVERS profile picture


he is running wild, and she is left to tame

About Me

Puff Puff and the Receivers are out dropping those sonic bombs all over this green earth, and one is heading strait for you ears so get ready to explode! Puff loved a man once and everyday after... he's a guitar wearing lad, and if she's lucky, he plays sweet melodies for her... the mathamatician with a NANOLOOP, is a star studded with grace. A drummer who shows you the beauty of the pounding of your heart. It just beats and beats, not missing a hit. May her love live on forever. Occasionally her voice can't sing and her fingers cease to dance across chords and keys, but maybe one day, and for everyday after a song she will sing until we are all asleep... We're in Austin, the place with all the greenery. The place where the doggy was born, where our hearts became one. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor . ************ PAPERDOLLS MAGAZINE REVIEW Come to Me Now (2008, self-released) by Jordi Finlay editor-in-chiefThe new Puff Puff & the Receivers album has that DIY quality I love so much—self-recorded, self-produced, with some of the most adorable handmade packaging I have ever seen in my life. For real, it’s clever. And the music is just as great. Puff Puff, a three-piece band from Austin, Texas, sounds like the pop you would hear in a hazy summer dream. Their calm but upbeat sound, juxtaposed with often-macabre lyrics, such as “that’s the fetus; that’s the dead decomposing” from the opening track “That’s Your Body in the Trees,” leave you feeling slightly spaced-out in that awesome overheated July way. With a kicking drumbeat leading the entire album, this is music you can put on to get ready to go out just as easily as it could be played for a slamming dance party covering everything from intimate moves with that special someone, with the slow starting “Heroes,” to some super-fun jumping around on the sweet fantasy “From My Heart: To My Toes.” The album’s tone leads you forward into the next song over and over: The fast marching beat behind “Promised Lamb” is my absolute favorite, and even on slower songs like “No Peace No War,” with beautiful cello music by Mollie Fischer, the beat of the drum maintains a vibrant progression. With just three members, Puff Puff & the Receivers manages to create a crisp-textured ambience that fills the air and throws down some awesome hooks that will follow you throughout your whole night. PUFF PUFF AND THE RECEIVERS "COME TO ME NOW" ON SALE NOW!!! SEND $10.00 (+ $2.00 s&h) CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: PUFF PUFF PRODUCTIONS 2808 WINDSOR RD. B AUSTIN, TEXAS 78703 or EMAIL: [email protected] (for booking and contact)

My Interests


Member Since: 3/14/2006
Band Members: Puff Puff: vocals, keys, bass, the occasional guitar and drumsJoshua Stemper: guitar, drums, bass, piano, loopy machine, vocals, circut bent toy pianos, and pedals... NANOLOOPKhattie Q: Drums, Drums, electro drumsmusical players of Receivers past: Jesse Lamonte, Aaron Soma, Alex Allgood, Hupp Smith, Josh Rohrmayer, ALL THE DEATHRATTLERS
Sounds Like: The ocean breeze, the summer breeze, the blizzard winds, a thunderstorm, and everything else that is just as lovely.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Come To Me Now

Puff Puff and the Receivers'"Come To Me Now" NOW ON SALE @Waterloo RecordsEnd of an Ear RecordsCheapo Recordsor send $12.00 (north america) $15.00 (europe, mexico) CHECK/CASH/ or MONEY ORDER to:Puff P...
Posted by PUFF PUFF and the RECEIVERS on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 08:55:00 PST

Alone in the Wilderness - The Story of Dick Proenneke

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsfB6oJ55wM ...
Posted by PUFF PUFF and the RECEIVERS on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:34:00 PST

Puff Puff and the Receivers on LAST.FM

Puff Puff and the Receivers are now on LAST.FM go check out tons of songs not on MySpace! And don't forget to add us as your friend! Love Us.www.last.fm./music/Puff+Puff+and+the+Receivers
Posted by PUFF PUFF and the RECEIVERS on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:33:00 PST


At this point Puff and I are in the incubatory phases of building our music to be stage worthy. Taking the nurturing yolk of our respective feelings towards music, we are finally getting beyond the h...
Posted by PUFF PUFF and the RECEIVERS on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:16:00 PST