DALLAS COWBOYS, Jack Daniels, Naked Women, and Music!! As a rule, if you mix any two of these, you are more than likely going to get in trouble!! Don't say, I didn't warn you!! You've been Warned!!
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Dick Cocks
What's Your Porn Star Name?
What alcohol are you??
Your the aggressive, fighting drunk. Always wanting to beat somebody up and punch holes in the wall. The more Jack that goes in, the more the fighting goes on.
How do you compare?
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All members of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, and Ratt! All Ring of Honor & Hall of Fame members of the Dallas Cowboys! Marylin Monroe, Ronald Reagan, The Pope, Ron Jeremy, Hitler.....and maybe Charles Manson!
I am a BIG '80's Buff!! I love everything from that era! From the Hair Bands to New Order, to 2 Live Crew!! Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, & Ratt are my favorite bands. Metal Rules!! Rap/Hip-Hop (of todays standards) is a waste of time, effort, and space!! Absolutly NO Talent!!
Which Guitar Player Are You? (pics)
Steve Vai
You are Steve Vai! Formerly of Whitesnake, you were a pupil of Joe Satriani. You went solo and created your own special brand of intriquite music. You and Joe have very similar styles, both very upbeat and very emotional. You and Joe tour regularily, and have millions of adoring fans.
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I love Horror movies!! I also enjoy, a good Drama, Suspense flick! Comedies will also work! Everything from The Exorcist to ShreK!
I dig all the reality shows.....Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, The Apprentise, Hells Kitchen, American Idol. I like CSI, Lost, Prison Break, The Unit, Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy....just to name a few of 'em! "Yes, it's the Benny Hill Show!" I LOVE the Benny Hill Show On the BBC!!
I read Mags,(Playboy, Maxim, and Stuff)
Which Super Hero Are You?
You are an unsung super hero. Sometimes your strength is too much for others to handle. You don't exactly ''fit in'' but you are completely of this earth and perform good deeds despite a lack of reward. You never excuse yourself from moral responsibility. You may lose your cool at times but your passion does more good than harm. You have a mature capacity to understand the many complexities of life.
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Which Horror Movie Killer Are You? (pics)
You're Chucky, the mischievous one of the bunch. You are very determined and open-mided. What you want your guarantee to get it. You dont kill to kill your more strategic and have a purpose. You use anything you can to get the job done. Good for you!
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My Heroes are ANYONE who has the Balls to put their life on the Line, Defend our Country, Instill Democracy, and Defend the Costitution!! "A true soldier does not fight because he hates what is in front of him. He fights because he loves what is behind him."