James profile picture


Welcome to my world

About Me

Nothing much to say really.I try to be just another face in the crowd.I love music,I live with my parents,to help take care of my father and do the driving,and paying bills,groceries ect.He has terminal cancer so they need me around.My brother and I will be opening up a custom cycle-standard to custom cycle shop within this year.I love kids,and went to college for over 4 years in psychology because I wanted to work with mentally handicapped kids.There are alot of things I could say,and tell you.But seeing as I am not particularly,good at writing this stuff down.I will stop there for now.

My Interests

Motorcycles,music,art etc.among various other intrests.


Avenged Sevenfold,Ozzy,Rob-White Zombie,old Metallica,Megadeth,Marilyn Manson,BLS,Kiss,Stevie Ray Vaughn,among various other musical tastes.I run the gambit musically.


The Crow,Matrix Trilogy,Highlander,X-Men,Van Helsing,Rob Zombie films.Some classic movies depending my mood really


When I have time.Highlander,CSI,music,Family Guy,South Park.


Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series,Japanese manga,motorcycle magazines.


My father and mother.