Sick, Drunk & Proud!
Proud (Dis)Member of:
and also Proud (dis)member of:
Live Fast, Die Fast, Metal Punk Forever!!!!
...metal,punk, friends, beer, gigs, terror, chainsaws,nature, pathology, horror, forensick cience, macabre, zombies, design, drawing, anime, manga, art...and in the end total annihilation of human race
..Headbangers, Grinders and Thrashers, Rottens and Psychos, Captain Harlock, King Diamond, Hellcop....
...crust, grind, goregrind, gore, death, some brutal death, some black metal, punk, 80's metal, nwobhm, heavy, speed and thrash yeeeeahhhhh!!!!
...horror, terror, gore, animation, troma, cronenberg, asian, zombies, anime, samurais...
...don't watch bullshit!
...tolkien, manga, bd, cience, pathology and other stuff gods, no masters!