Motörpenis profile picture


About Me

Motörpenis had its conception somewhere in late 1997, in a pub in Marinha Grande, Portugal. Motörscreamer (guitar) and Skullcrusher (drums), sick of project that went nowhere and tired of not having a rehearsing room, decided to put together a band inspired by the old German master’s of thrash metal of the 80ies. With moral support from friends, Motörscreamer started to compose songs at home which he recorded in tape format. Later, he would pass the tapes to Skullcrusher, who would, in his own bunker, create the drum patterns. Armed with the name Motörpenis, Motörscreamer and Skullcrusher started searching for a third headbanger to provide the bass rumble. Poserkiller, who seemed an obvious choice, completed the line-up and learned the songs in exactly the same fashion as Skullcrusher. This would be the first live Motörpenis line-up, but two more would soon follow, with Poserkiller leaving and being replaced by Ejaculator who would soon be replaced by Penetrator. Curiosity: throughout the years of 98 and 99 Motörpenis didn’t rehearse one single time but played over 15 songs on stage. In a nutshell, Motörpenis first incarnation was definitely short but well lived. The truth is that Motörscreamer and Skullcrusher were too loud mouthed and crazy for their local area small scene. Together with their hellraising fans and friends, they had created havoc to the point that no one wanted to invite them to play live. Disappointed and bitter, the duo parted ways (despite never really disbanding), with Motörscreamer going away to college and Skullcrusher entering other musical projects.In 2005 the two maniacs, now more sober and a bit wiser, started talking again about bringing Motörpenis back to active status. With a rehearsal room finally available, Poserkiller was invited to re-join the band, this time taking full charge of the 6-string duties, since Motörscreamer wanted to play the bass. In December 2006 the trio started to rehearse old songs in order to prepare the return to the live-front and a demo release.To be continued…
Available now: The Dead Sessions - Promo 07

Two speed thrash metal anthems on CDR. If interested, just mail us: motorthrash(at)

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


Member Since: 27/09/2007
Band Website: this one

ATENÇÃO: Parece-me que algumas pessoas não lêem o post em Inglês sobre as condições para pedirem a "amizade" de Motörpenis, ou porque não reparam, ou porque não sabem Inglês, por isso aqui vai uma ou duas notas sobre esta página:

1 - Não nos adicionem só porque acham piada ao nome.

2 - Não estamos aqui para coleccionar amigos. Não nos façam perder tempo se não são devotos à causa do metal (adorar metal acima de todos os outros estilos musicais, comprar os discos que gostam, ir a concertos, etc...)!! Já agora, piratear música não é o mesmo que gostar dela - os pirateiros que andam por aí ajudaram a matar uma das melhores bandas de metal de sempre: USURPER!!

3 - Qualquer indivíduo que tenha alguma referência na sua página (a não ser que seja de teor homicida) a coisas como Slipknot, Korn ou a black gothic poser-crap ou a outras que nos cheguem aos nervos, podem ter a certeza que vão ser rejeitados...

4 - Se por acaso acham que foram rejeitados injustamente, podem sempre mandar uma mensagem a justificar porque querem ser adicionados à lista de "friends". E isto é o mais democrático que este sítio-web pode ser.
Influences: Thrash and Speed Metal in general, German 80ies bands in particular; Motörhead
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Communication Breakdown

Hey!! Motörscreamer here!! I thought I should write this message to say that I haven't been able to properly maintain the Motörspace as I should!! Some friend request have passed unnoticed as well as ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:52:00 GMT


Now I am loosing my patience on private profiles!!!!! If you really wanted to be private, you wouldn't have a fukking myspace!!! And then there are those "private" profiles with 5000 friends... what a...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:25:00 GMT

Getting ready to enter the studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, maniacs!!!As some of you might already know, Iron Bonehead will be unleashing (mid.2008) a split 7" featuring the mighty beast from Mexico BLACK TORMENT and , of course, MOTÖRPENIS. With these ...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:34:00 GMT

Want to befriend us? Read this first!!

Hell-o all!!I have less and less patience towards people who can't read between the lines! Motörpenis is a Thrash Metal band, meaning that requests to befriend Nu-metal, emocore and other poser crap w...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:27:00 GMT