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I am here for Friends

About Me

Am I defined by where I am from, by the colour of my skin, by my address, by my gender, by my education, by the way I dress, by the way I vote? I have been defined by all the above at one time or another by people who cannot look beyond what they are told to see. I am a chameleon, I can be whatever you want to see, I’m different things to different people, but above all else, what matters to me most is that I am human.

“We have lived through centuries of enlightenment, reason, revolution, industrialisation and globalisation. No matter how idealist the aim sounds, this new century must become the century of humanity, when we as human beings rise above race, creed, colour, religion and national self interest and put the good of humanity above the good of our own tribe. For the sake of the children and of our future.” - Romeo Dallaire

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My Interests

to see life; to see the world; to eyewitness great events; to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud; to see strange things -- machines, armies, multitudes, shadows in the jungle and on the moon; to see man's work -- his paintings, towers and discoveries; to see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to; the women men love and many children; to see and to take pleasure in seeing; to see and be amazed; to see and be instructed... - Life Magazine

I'd like to meet:

Simple people wanting simple things. Friends who will respect me. People who will keep there promises. Friends who will be there when you need them.

adopt your own virtual pet!


Paris Texas and anything shot that well


On the Road, it made we want to travel. The life of PI. The house of Blue Mangoes. A town like Alice. The cat that came for christmas, being a cat person it made me laugh like hell. 100 years of solitude. Ragtime. Tropic of Capricorn. Daughter of fortune. The 5 people you meet in Heaven. The Joy luck Club. The colour purple. Go Ask Alice .. there are too many wonderful books to read


My girlfriends and my mother they have blessed me with there time, love and friendship they have touched my life so much and always remind me of the strengths you have inside.

My Blog

You’re my best friend

You're my best friendYou have been for half my lifeYou had the strength, the courage I looked tooYou amaze me with how wonderful you are How stunning you have always beenI know how high you'll flyHow ...
Posted by nem on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 03:46:00 PST

Yeah feeling nostalgic today

Its slightly cold and crisp outside, it's the start of autumn. The air has a certain smell about it that reminds me of my birthday.It reminds me that it will soon be dark at 4 pm, that summer is cert...
Posted by nem on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 01:10:00 PST

Fuck no

You Belong in LondonA little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.A unique soul like you needs a city that offers everything.No wonder you and London wi...
Posted by nem on Mon, 28 May 2007 01:34:00 PST

some people

Some people are just amazing, what is it about them that they can just say the right thing, the thing you so badly need to hear and do not even realise it? Some people just connect so perfectly with y...
Posted by nem on Sun, 27 May 2007 04:03:00 PST

The Libra Woman - Very good

The Libra WomanLibra women have busy social calendars and keep happy by surrounding themselves with adoring friends. Still, this lady wants to be married, so don't be fooled by her gadding about. Once...
Posted by nem on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:07:00 PST

If you could fix my life

If you could fix my lifeWhat would you do?Would you make it simplerWould you make it so I don..t run away againWould you ground me Or would you cage me?Have you ever thought? I..m ok, just the way I a...
Posted by nem on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:17:00 PST

no subject

Where does your anger come fromWhat did I do to make you rage against meIs my being so hard for you So impossible to acceptI did not choose this place and timeI did not do it to make it hard for youWh...
Posted by nem on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 06:32:00 PST


I got back to London this weekend and mum wanted to go shopping with me, great, shopping. Now I am basically someone who has always been pretty serious about shopping, for anyone who lives in England ...
Posted by nem on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:49:00 PST

Bye Bye Delhi

Well the flight home is booked... Oh my god....3rd November, 2 years ten months wow..This is for the Delhi, I lived here long enough to make it home, but it never was. I was always to much of an outsi...
Posted by nem on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:06:00 PST

giving up smoking - again

Well I am giving up smoking again, this is serious attempt number 5, previous ones have lasted anywhere from 2 weeks to almost 2 years but sooner or later Lord Nicotine has managed to worm his way bac...
Posted by nem on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:13:00 PST