Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] profile picture

Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm a little unusual. a little weird. but thats me... and thats all i can really do, is be me. People keep telling me that I can be really cold... fuck it yea i am... COLD BLOODED!!!!

"Allow me to be frank at the commencement. You will not like me. The gentlemen will be envious and the ladies will be repelled. You will not like me now and you will like me a good deal less as we go on. Ladies, an announcement: I am up for it, all the time. That is not a boast or an opinion, it is bone hard medical fact. I put it round you know. And you will watch me putting it round and sigh for it. Don't. It is a deal of trouble for you and you are better off watching and drawing your conclusions from a distance than you would be if I got my tarse up your petticoats.."- The Libertine

My Interests

drinking, being absolutely random...smoking weed, humping thingsI love to write, and a fan of good art.....

I'd like to meet:

I dont want to have sex using this site... straight up. I like to meet to new people, that like to hump my leg. then lick my ankle... then hump my leg again. but no sex. nope. none. sorry. can't do it. ok fine i give up... only 6 times... BUT NO MORE AFTER THAT! unless youre good.My friends are cooler than yours. NO DOUBT.


if it doesnt kick ass (like most things dont) i dont bother polluting my ears with it.


if you're emo this is for you .. Hey Hey we're the Monkeys!! Yea I'm in Amsterdam and im not smoking a cigarette We needed souveigniers so i took this sign Captain Torro at the heart of the bohemian movement In France again... and thats not a cigarette ... again ..


. Join me in death.. here its yours


i might not look it but i am a very avid reader... i mean everytime i take a shit i read.


The plunger... it knows it is getting in a shitty scenario but dives in head first......ok in all honesty though i have two heroes... my mother and my grandmother... they are the guiding force in my life... the coolest two people in the world because of the support and love they have given me my whole life... even though they know im utterly nuts.

My Blog


WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN! PLEASE RELAX A LITTLE!!! im like clickin through my myspace page and i cant BELIEVE HOW HAGARED most of you women look! JEEEBUS and its always the ones w excessive drinking pictures...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 04:12:00 PST

the craziest mind fuck

the craziest mind fuck of em all is wondering what happened to a love like this that was lost to such trivial things that matter not to anyone but infact were used as an excuse to become an escape pat...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:22:00 PST

This type of love by my FAVORITE

THIS TYPE LOVE I want a love like, me thinking of you thinking of me thinking of you type love  or me telling my friends more than I've ever admitted to myself how i feel about you type love &nb...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:29:00 PST

Wow... my bulletins i posted while in europe... im a lil insane in some

6-26 ok i is in paris....land of B.O and hit bitches____ i am the best smellin person here.... hands down...french keyboards blow donkey dick .... and the women here...not even remotely eye candy.... ...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 12:12:00 PST

Women and Logic...

Women and logic.... as often found as diamonds in my shit ... why God didst thou makest bitches of the dumbest order?? My complaint is simple... my prayer will never be answered and my hair will...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 02:41:00 PST


we seek fortune, we seek fame, we seek happiness, we seek friends, we seek lovers, we seek nice cars, clothes,shoes, nice dinners, nice neighborhoods, nice neighbors we can have bullshit conversations...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:33:00 PST

To The Women Of the World

ok ladies... drinking like its going out of fashion... cute every so often but daaaaaaaaaaammmmmnnn some of you girls i know are some Lush ass bitches... 1. beer guts- not cool/... you dont like em ...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 01:51:00 PST

Sins i am guilty of

. You scored as Pride. Pride100Lust88Wrath75Greed69Gluttony56Envy50Sloth50Seven deadly sinscreated with QuizFarm.com You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on thefigure Pan, Lord of the Dance...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm sorry, to every woman on myspace, I am sorry. I'm sorry i don't want to sleep with you, I'm sorrry that internet pimping isn't my thing and I'm sorry for actually wanting to meet new people to ha...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Ok so i know everyone has a style of art they love bla bla bla and lets put all that liberal "its the systems fault for failing them" commi bullshit aside... seriously this whole camera phone generati...
Posted by Go Go Gadget Dick! [Seany Dangerously] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST