Salsa (semiretired Salsa Angel), a little Cha Cha, loooooove the bachata, tap dance, Lindy Hop (newbie), Argentine Tango, firedancing, ballet teacher, bluuuuuues baby, and I'd love to take some Hip Hop. Henna, camping, hiking, snowboarding, sky diving, reading voraciously, photography, clothing design and creation, crafts, drawing, Reiki Master, herbalism, eastern medicine, Chinese/astrology (it's amusing), tattoo design for friends, psychology, sexuality, languages, polyamory. Make up and costumes for photo, theater and movies. Yup, I got to work on a movie (thanks Jeff). B grade zombies rock my world. Recently discovered surfing and snorkeling - oh yeah!
Think twice, or even three times, before you email me here asking for a date - save yourself the time and angst - it's not going to happen. Otherwise, in REAL life .. . . . Various types of people, for sure! Dancers, dreamers, planners, movers and shakers. I want to get to know myself, time and again, through every person I meet. I want to always be friends with myself, like who I am, and enjoy my own company so I can truly enjoy others.
Had to reset the map, it was out of control and froze at like 2k, besides, is easier to see if ya clear it every 50 or so - bwaaahahahahaha!
If you want to be added, or add me, be sure we know each other. You know, met, hung out a few times, had something intelligent to say to each other, be one of my dance students, yadda yadda.
Why don't more people have the damn players set to NOT start automatically?
Yes, this is THE Halcyon track with the, shall we say, 80's remix starting at 5 mins - In Sides baby - wish I could see them again! Nowhere to be found on mycrackspace, but so tickled I finally can post it!! Circus Contraption - Tobias you Rock! Allison Road - Jenni. Iris - KC. Pobre Diabla - Me - and NOT because I performed to it too many times- porque, lorrando por un hombre que no vale un centavo.
LOTR series, Pirates, The Fifth Element, Princess Bride, Tank Girl, Legend, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Tipping the Velvet, Ever After, vampire genre movies, Gladiator, 13th Warrior (the book is good too), Titus, Strictly Ballroom, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Dances with Wolves, Troy (original), The King and I (original), Pay it Forward, Bringing Up Baby, The Court Jester (any Danny Kaye), Love Actually, Henry and June (Anais Nin), Born into Brothels, Ma Vie en Rose (La Vie en Rose looks good too), Fiddler on the Roof (1971). Making time to watch the classics as I haven't before for some reason, especially dance related! It's sad, but I'll watch almost any dance movie at least once even if the acting is shite, just for the dance *sigh*.
Oh barf - see movies.
You tell me: "A room without books is like a body without a soul". ~Cicero
Or "Hi, my name is Monique, and I inhale books"
My sister is my #1 Heroine for more reasons than you need to know, and not just 'cause she's the #1 Salsa Angel Groupie too.
Baby sea turtles. Artists who live their dreams. Myself.