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Welcome to MOONiE's World!

About Me

What does your Health mean to you?
It means my life!
I'm trying...
I'll eat a burger first...brb..
Truth Hurts, but the faster you accept it the sooner you'll start seeing results:
Short term pain, long term gain. I'm focused right now in building my future. I love life. I have huge dreams. I'm very open minded and to me failure is notan option.
“Living life is enjoying life. Not working for someone else for the rest of your life and building their dreams. Why not build yours? Think about it, ifnothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what broke people do, you’re going to be broke. - Did you know the definition of insanity is doingsomething over and over again that doesn’t work and expecting a different result? Is this not what we do with work? Think about it. Truth hurts. Changebefore it's too late. I'll help you and show you the ticket way out.”
110% Korean living on paradise on Earth. Honolulu, Hawaii.
This pic was taken with a point and shoot.
I know what I want in life and I know how I’m going to get it. It’s in my blood.
I'm a Virgo which says a lot about my character. Everything needs to be perfect, which can sometimes be one of my weaknesses, but the end product is alwayspromising. It’s one of those good problems.
I have a younger brother. He's a Virgo too so we share much of the same characteristics. I'm proud of the young man...soon to be a Pilot in the USAF... loveyou brah...
I'm an Entrepreneur to the fullest. I strive everyday to become successful with my businesses. | Xango - | & | | --
I have a huge passion for music. To me it’s an ingredient to life. I also have a huge passion for acting. One of these days I hope to be in a Movie or TVShow...
I speak Korean and English and pretty good at Spanish. I know more than a couple words in Tagalog, Hawaiian, Russian, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cantonese,Mandarin, German, French, Italian, Indian, Cambodian, and a few other languages. I love learning about other cultures...the World fascinates me.
I love cars. Asian Imports all the way. I have my eye on the new Lexus ISF. My car now is the new Civic Si... My car to me is like my most prized possession. Girls, girls, girls I know what you’re thinking…guys n’ their cars right? Let me explain, it’s no differentthan girls and their purses. Nothing wrong with that right? Haha…
New Whip:
I love music. I used to sing in an all Asian rock/alternative band. Because it strained my voice a lot, I stopped and went back to R&B. I also was a member(lead singer) of a R&B group called "Boxtone" back in the day, which consisted of two singers and one beat boxer. It was pretty unique; most definitely oneof a kind at the time and we won a lot of competitions. It was fun while it lasted no doubt. Now I sing R&B, Soul, Pop as a solo Artist - Currently I'm working on my DEMO (slowly but surely) which consists of everything from R&B, Pop, Funk, Jazz and Soul with a Kpop twist. I'll besending the DEMO over to some major labels in Korea, which by the way is the heart of where Asia's biggest stars are born. I'm confident in what I'm doingright now. I write my own songs and have a good amount of hours under my belt in producing music. I used to produce music on a Motif 6 & ES6 with a Tritonrack. Thanks to all those that are supporting my Music. It's a big part of my life and it always will be.
I love soccer. I'm a huge fan of soccer and a former player as well for many years. It was my life until an ankle injury that prevented me to advance. Bigups to South Korea in the World Cup 2002, finishing in at being the 4th in the World! We beat Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland! This year in 2006, we tiedFrance 1-1.
I have a huge passion for photography and graphic design. You can express things without saying it. I've shot for long time starting back in middle schoolwhen I did a lot of landscape photography. Then as I've made my way into the Import Car Show industry, I shot a lot of Models who are now big names in theindustry.
I respect and love my peoples.
MOONiE's biggest PET PEEVES:
1. Cigarette smoke: I’m not criticizing people that smoke, I’m just pointing out common courteousy. It’s not crackin’ when people blow smoke in your face. Especially when you’re eating.
2. When people cough without covering their mouth: Especially when you're eating!
3. Drinking Tap Water: Only if you knew what's in it.
4. Rude People. I’d like to send them all to War, front line. They’ll then understand respect.
5. Butter. I feel guilty eating something that I know could kill me.
6. When you're trying to listen to your jam and someone's just talking their brains out. Shut the up!
7. When I’m watching a Movie and someone just starts talking away.
8. When I am given a fork at an Asian restaurant! For some reason I take that offensive.
9. When you’re at the Movies and someone’s phone goes off like crazy for like 5 minutes, because they can’t find it in their bag. Doesn’t it say, “Pleasesilence your phones in the beginning before previews?”
10. When you’re ordering food at a restaurant and the person that’s preparing your food sneezes. If this ever happens, ask for a new one and for them to washtheir hands.
11. Wearing shoes in the house. It's gross and not very sanitary. I just don't understand some people, but then again it's a huge cultural thing. Asians/Someother cultures = No shoes inside the house = Probably why it doesn't make sense to me.
12. When someones sitting in your car and you can see them picking their nose from the corner of your eye and catching them rubbing their booger off on yourseat! Sick! Some people I tell ya...
13. When I walk by a cell phone store in a mall talking on my cell and holding my iPhone in my other hand and someone asks if I need a cell phone? LOL...morons.
MOONiE's philosophy in life:
"To live everyday to the fullest. Life's too short to mess around and dwell over stupid things. No matter what you do, the clocks ticking. It'll never stop. Life won't wait for you so don't expect it to. Just do what you have to do and stay positive. Ignore the negative because if you spend time trying to be the tough shizznit your not, you won't go anywhere but backwards. - Accept new things and challenges. Don't criticize someone or something for being different. Open your eyes. See the world. Get out of the bubble your trapped in. Be you and not someone else. Don't take anything for granted. You'll only end up kicking yourself. Best of all, have fun and live life to the fullest. Love life because it's a challenge."

Life is about being happy and keeping things real. I want to be good role model for the people of our future and to those present in our surrounding. Whatpeople think is cool these days is pretty twisted. Don’t let society control you’re life, you control it.
Live life to the fullest or die trying:
"I love to speak my mind and am very philosophical with the precious life we're given. I'm a true believer that a man without a vision shall perish. I spendeveryday making the best out of the journey I have ahead of myself. Everything comes in different phases and to me the best way to make the best out ofyourself is to utilize all your actions during that positive phase. What's life without a journey. Where's a journey without a life? You can do it. (Commonsense is not so common.)"
My Korean brothers and sisters. Let's set the record straight.
- Amerie: Korean/Black
- Hines Ward (Steelers): Korean/Black
- Joseph Han (Linkin Park): Korean
- Michelle Wie (Pro Golfer from Hawaii): Korean
- John Cho (Harold and Kumar / White Castle): Korean
- Crystal Kay (Singer in Japan): Korean/Black (NOT JAPANESE)
- Verbal from M-flo (Japan's hottest rap group): Korean (NOT JAPANESE)
Will there ever be a Black President? Damn right there will be. America's ready and you better know that.
Who would best represent Korean Hip Hop? - YG Family - Drunken Tiger
Who's the best Korean-American Hip Hop Artist? - Chan / Rook / Flow Sik
What's my favorite TV show? 24 / LOST
Who would best represent Korean Pop & R&B? - Se7en - Bi (Rain)
Import or Domestic cars? Imports all the way.
Who would best represent Korean Soul? - Soul Star of YG Entertainment
Bush or Clinton? Clinton
Best Korean female pop dancer? Hyori / Lexy
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Best Korean male pop singer / dancer? - Se7en / Rain
Health freak? yes!
Most talented Korean female artist? Boa
Germ freak? yes!
Most talented Korean male artist? Park Jin Young / Rain
Favorite Quote by MOONiE
"I ain't talkin' fast, you're just listening slow..."

My Interests

Business: XANGO! XANGO! XANGO! | |
Soccer - Graphic Design - Web Design - Music - Singing - Dancing - Chillin' - Movies - World Cup Soccer - Olympics - Surfing - Photography -

I'd like to meet:

My Ideal Girl: Someone who(s) smart, loyal, honest, patient, respectful, caring, loving, has good morals, has huge dreams, a good cook, beautiful, in shape, has a nice smile, not picky, non smoker, good hygiene, organized, gets along with my family, has good humor, funny, adventurous, etc....

Who I Want to Meet: Everyone.

You are now marked on my profile visitor map!


K-Pop + Hawaiian + R&B + Hip Hop + Techno + Rap + Jazz + Classical + Oldies +


Broiler Room, The Secret - The Secret Code (Message me, I'll send you a DVD. If you haven't seen it, your missin' out!) - Top Gun - Selena - Passion of the Christ - Notebook - White Chicks - Forrest Gump - Click -


24 - Prison Break - Lost - Heros - The Unit


(Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Think and Grow Rich, Photoshop CS2 Bible


GOD - Grandma/Grandpa - MOM - Family -

My Blog

If it isn't good then make it good. The choice is yours...

Outwitting ones stupidity and using their negative energy to turn it into something positive for your progression is called: "Master Minding." - MOONiE
Posted by MOONiE on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:16:00 PST

Some people are so&

Some people are so ignorant these days that they'll deny facts. What wrong with people?
Posted by MOONiE on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 04:29:00 PST

My bulot story...

I love food. My favorites? Korean, Thai, Indian, Mexican and my Moms Italian food. Um, yes she's a Korean that makes some bomb Italian food. I'm not picky at all when it comes to food, I'll try anythi...
Posted by MOONiE on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 05:43:00 PST

My road to success...

Most people go left, but at all costs I went right. I wanted to be my own boss and couldn't see myself building another Mans dream. I almost joined the Marines right out of HS. Mistake? No, either way...
Posted by MOONiE on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 05:41:00 PST

What does your health mean to you?

"We are all getting older and the truth is, it is what we do now about our health that will determine our well being in the future for when we get old." The health industry will be at $1 Trillion...
Posted by MOONiE on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:43:00 PST

Making sacrifices...

Making sacrifices...   LOVE in my opinion is one of the greatest sacrifices we make in life.   Why is LOVE a sacrifice? Because the moment you find it, potentials become nothing.   Th...
Posted by MOONiE on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 05:36:00 PST

Who's WORLD CUP crazy?!....I am...

Okay so the greatest sport event in the! With the 2006 World Cup being here I just wanted to touch base on the topic of how futbol (soccer) changes the World in the form of respect...
Posted by MOONiE on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 05:29:00 PST

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Because we don't live in the Garden of Eden anymore.
Posted by MOONiE on Sun, 14 May 2006 11:24:00 PST

Haters is just another name for jealousy.

"Haters" is just another name for jealousy. Let them hate...don't stop what you're doing...keep going......
Posted by MOONiE on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 04:44:00 PST