MONKEYTOWN profile picture


We prefer to take lavender baths.

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorThe story goes........ a millions of years ago, before mankind walked the earth, apes freely roamed not realising they were the most intelligent beings on the planet. In fact, ruins of a town in the rift valley in central africa were excavated in 2002 that predated human existence.
Although it is not common, it was accepted that apes posessed the capacity for construction and many makeshift shelters and dwellings were reported to have been built. Due to the makeshift nature of these constructions, no remains were ever discovered and all theories were largely based of behavioural patterns.
What was excavated however, drove a horse and carriages through all earlier theories. The remains of a fully functioning township was unearthed in almost perfect condition. Purpose built streams (for channelling rainwater) ran like veins through the outshirts of this town. Particular conglomorations of sand and clay (houses today) were found in a semi-circumfence around a main gathering centre, which contained a well. Water dried up in this wll around 60,000 years ago but was plentiful around the time time this town was said to have been build and could have existed up to 1,000 years earlier. All these characteristics show that a town functioned as a human town would have.
For people that have a basic knowledge of human evolution, it is common knowledge that the first recorded human was discovered in the rift valley.
This was a very interesting story which caused much debate in many high profile art circles as the notion of intelligent existence before humanity, was considered absurd before the late 20th century. Many countries would still consider this blasphemy. All comments are welcome.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/14/2006
Band Website: easy now, lets not get ahead of ourselves
Band Members: A Brown Ballhead, a Flat Head Grey Mullet and a Rainbow Trout
Sounds Like: We know a thing or two about monte verdi
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Womb Flyer for £3 Entry

Print this flyer  out if you haven't got a real one for £3 entry.
Posted by MONKEYTOWN on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 05:40:00 PST