Love travelling. Cross-country roadtrips are the best. Complete freedom. You can't beat that.
Currently attending Framingham State College part-time while I work full-time. It's a rough schedule, but you gotta do what you gotta do right? Anywho, that's it for now. Check back every now and then, I just might have something new to say...but I probably won't.
In the meantime, enjoy an "Ode To Big Papi" done to the music stylings of the one and only John Fogerty. Enjoy!
Busted - Funniest Game I Could Find!
Raiden X - Coolest Game I Could Find!
Sonic The Hedgehog - Awesome Remake in Flash!
Mega Man X - Another Great Remake in Flash!
More Flash Games - Click Here!
Sexy Videos!
Sexy Napster Commercial!
Vodka Flirt - Hottest Commercial Ever?
Paris Hilton Car Wash - Another Hot Commercial!
Jessica Simpson Pizza Hut Commercial!
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