Singing, Acting, Dancing, Science, Humanity, Yoga, Love, all that is beautiful, italian food, indian food, japanese food, chinese food... food.., cheese cake, fruity desserts, cuddling and kissing, hanging with friends, .. ya know waht...... it would be easier to write about what i DONT like..
Those who want to meet me and those I want to meet. Everyone.. and the Dahli Lama.
Is the soundtrack to my soul..
Donnie Darko, Life is Beautiful, Across the Universe, .... ill get back to you.
Educational stuff mostly. GOtta use things for the right reason. Oh, and I have come to love Adult Swim. Thanks for sharing the humor with me.
Eat, Pray, Love.
God. My closest friends: Kristen, Christian, the other Christian, haha, Marla, Spiro and my newest: Pris and the gang.