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If I don't die or worse, I'm gonna need a nap.

About Me

"I bring you good news.I, uh, I don't know if you noticed and I don't think most Americans did, that we had a moment in time, really, a few months ago, that was really special for us as a people, because we were able to stop as a group, which is almost impossible, because whenever we stop as a group, we never focus. And for the first time, we were able to focus, as a whole group of people. Usually we stop, and we form a group, you know, and then we break off into discussion groups. But this time, as one, all of us, were able to finally look together and see exactly where all the problems really of the last few years have come from. And that obviously, is Janet Jackson's breast. It's the only explanation for the fact that everyone stopped on a dime and went 'LOOK AT THAT TIT!!' As if none of us had ever seen one before. Almost as a complete shock to all of us. I wasn't so shocked that a breast appeared at the Super Bowl halftime show, because I've watched every Super Bowl halftime show, and so I knew that something was always around the corner. I watch every Super Bowl because, you see, I have no religion, and I think it's important for man to have a ritual, and the Super Bowl takes place on Sunday, and that's when most people gather to worship, so I, in a way, am trying. And just before the game starts, I say 'Thank God'. I really watch the Super Bowl for the halftime show because you could go into a coma for a year, and wake up, and watch the halftime show, and it will tell you all you need to know about how far down America is in the SHITTER! The first Super Bowl halftime show was simple, it was beautiful. They did what you do at a halftime show... they got two college bands, they came out on the field, they did what a college band does- they played, you know, played 'Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O! With a pig pig here and a pig pig there' and they formed pigs and ran at each other and exploded! And those were beautiful times. But then each year they added just a little more, just a little more, just a little more. A star here, another band there, holding... the audience held placards at one point- it was unbelievable. Always trying to make it a bigger and bigger show. And then, I knew things had taken a turn for the worse when three years ago they hired MTV to do the halftime show and, you know, why would you hire MTV to do music? MTV has nothing to do with music, ok? MTV is to music as KFC is to chicken. MTV is video, and video goes where? In your EYE! Music goes in your EAR. Ear, eye, eye, ear... BIG FUCK DIFFERENCE! Music is like a drug, when you hear it, you have a vision, and that vision can change over time or remain the same. You know, that first time when you're in love and you hear a love song and you think, every time you think about it, you have that vision of your special someone, and then two years later, after you broke up you're at the bar. And you hear that song and you go 'Son of a bitch. I'll have a Jager.'"-Lewis Black

My Interests

Music, good beer (or just a PBR if you're buying), good whiskey, Monday night trivia, procrastination in all its forms, my cats, being multi-instrumental, my alter-ego Belle Buster, being solitary, staying up late and sleeping in, staying up late and going to class at 8am, trying to stay up late and falling asleep at 10pm, skeeball, reading, social awkwardness, shirts with snaps down the front, sad/pretty/cheesy music, roller coasters, making it all up as I go, potato chips, finding a job, realizing that 'grownups' are just big kids with a bit of self-control, people-watching.

I'd like to meet:

Cool kids who have good taste in music and a solid head on their shoulders. Party people and stay-at-home-and-watch-movies people. People who like to sing along with the radio. Nice people. I'm tired of douchebags.


Things I return to on a regular basis: Built to Spill, Stars, Radiohead, Mogwai, Portishead, Wilco, Grandaddy, The Delgados, Sam Cooke...

Things I've been overplaying recently: The Decemberists, Duran Duran, Uncle Tupelo, Spoon, Beulah, Zero 7; and living dangerously and leaving it set to 'shuffle'.

What love is to the heart, that music is to the other arts and to man, for music is love itself. --Weber


Amelie, Office Space, High Fidelity, Milo and Otis, Life Is Beautiful, Garden State, Harold And Maude, Wild Zero, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, The Fifth Element, Me And You And Everyone We Know, the Fantasia movies, the Indiana Jones series, goofy stuff. If you're trying to talk to me about a movie, I probably haven't seen it. In an attempt to catch up, I joined NetFlix, but have found that I suck at sending movies back.


Not at my house. Can I come over?


Yes, please. Not so much into the science fiction, but just about anything else will do.

One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.


Indiana Jones, Bugs Bunny, the Blenheim ginger ale people.

My Blog

A one-minute blog.

I have no time anymore. So this is a quick one. Since starting my job(s) two weeks ago, I haven't had a day off yet. My first day off will come on Thursday, after 17 straight days. While these are bot...
Posted by Erin on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:45:00 PST

Men of the Cloth

Who is it that decided exactly what "Fresh Cotton" smells like? I imagine a group of scientists at the preliminary stages of their research, sitting around a room with a cornucopia of cotton products...
Posted by Erin on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:05:00 PST

the philosophy of me.

I flip over the tag to see what my instructions are: "Dry Clean Only" says the manufacturer, with the frank confidence of a much more infinite fabric wisdom than I could possibly know. Holding it in f...
Posted by Erin on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 07:28:00 PST

None in particular.

Yesterday I went to Pier 1 Imports because I had a gift card my grandmother sent me for Christmas. I haven't been in one of those stores since I was little, and when I was little house stuff was BORIN...
Posted by Erin on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 01:07:00 PST

Am I a zombie? The Messiah resurrected? Or just lazy?

Been a while, huh? While my absence has been mostly due to lack of internet access, there is definitely a separate component in play- I simply lost interest for a while. Not to mention that things ar...
Posted by Erin on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 04:42:00 PST

No one knows me better than MySpace!

How did MySpace know? Of course this is exactly what I've been searching for! For no self-respecting drunkard like myself would be caught dead without proper sporting attire.   In other news...
Posted by Erin on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:02:00 PST

All these things we’ll one day swallow whole

An exhausting past few days. Fun mostly. I will sleep soundly tonight. This was on the PostSecret blog today.   A part of me immediately wished it was meant for me. The other part knew that was i...
Posted by Erin on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:28:00 PST

All the kings horses and all the kings men

After writing this, I will most likely spend the rest of the day cleaning my house. It has gotten intolerable in here, and now that I'm not in school I have no excuses to ignore it any longer. So yay,...
Posted by Erin on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:07:00 PST

I will NOT adopt another cat, I will NOT adopt another cat...

Regional FirstCare called. It's official that I have me a MRSA infection. I have yet to take any of the hydrocodone they gave me, but the antibiotic is making my belly unhappy. I guess it's better tha...
Posted by Erin on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 03:45:00 PST

Its Not A Too-mah!

A hundred and twenty bucks later, I'm (almost) armpit-growth-free. It was in fact a very large abscess. VERY large. The nurse asked me how long it had been there, and then asked if I'd been having fev...
Posted by Erin on Sat, 31 May 2008 03:57:00 PST