Music, good beer (or just a PBR if you're buying), good whiskey, Monday night trivia, procrastination in all its forms, my cats, being multi-instrumental, my alter-ego Belle Buster, being solitary, staying up late and sleeping in, staying up late and going to class at 8am, trying to stay up late and falling asleep at 10pm, skeeball, reading, social awkwardness, shirts with snaps down the front, sad/pretty/cheesy music, roller coasters, making it all up as I go, potato chips, finding a job, realizing that 'grownups' are just big kids with a bit of self-control, people-watching.
Cool kids who have good taste in music and a solid head on their shoulders. Party people and stay-at-home-and-watch-movies people. People who like to sing along with the radio. Nice people. I'm tired of douchebags.
Things I return to on a regular basis: Built to Spill, Stars, Radiohead, Mogwai, Portishead, Wilco, Grandaddy, The Delgados, Sam Cooke...
Things I've been overplaying recently: The Decemberists, Duran Duran, Uncle Tupelo, Spoon, Beulah, Zero 7; and living dangerously and leaving it set to 'shuffle'.
What love is to the heart, that music is to the other arts and to man, for music is love itself. --Weber
Amelie, Office Space, High Fidelity, Milo and Otis, Life Is Beautiful, Garden State, Harold And Maude, Wild Zero, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, The Fifth Element, Me And You And Everyone We Know, the Fantasia movies, the Indiana Jones series, goofy stuff. If you're trying to talk to me about a movie, I probably haven't seen it. In an attempt to catch up, I joined NetFlix, but have found that I suck at sending movies back.
Not at my house. Can I come over?
Yes, please. Not so much into the science fiction, but just about anything else will do.
One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
Indiana Jones, Bugs Bunny, the Blenheim ginger ale people.