Ben profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I have been married for 7yrs, I have 5 children in total. 2 from my marriage, and 3 more children from my wife's previous marriage. Their ages range from 4yrs old to 22. The oldest has since moved out of the house, but it is still a very busy place.

We live in a typical suburban house in a typical suburban neighborhood. I work WAY too much, and spread myself way too thin (or so my wife says).

Our garage is the home to my wife's convertible, my Porsche, and 2 minivans.

In my sparetime (what is left of it), I am a Deacon at Christian Fellowship Church, and my wife and I are also in charge of Pre-Marriage counseling.

Surprisingly, as life's go, mine has turned out pretty good. One of these days I will have to blog about how I think I got to where I am (if anyone cares).

My Interests

Family, Church, Work, Technology, Cooking.


I have teenage step-kids, so I find myself listening to way more Top-40 than I should for my age. I even went to a Christina Aguilera concert last month, PCD, and Danity Kane opened for them. It was supposed to be a bonding thing with my daughter, but she ended up getting grounded... so my wife went with me. She owed me for making me see Barry Manilow in concert so many times!


My real life is crazy enough that I don't need to be 'challenged' or extensibly 'suspended of disbelief', most of the time, I just want to be entertained. So I am not overly picky about what I will see, but I am quick to act like I am a Professional Movie Reviewer.


I am a boring TV watcher, and I am addicted to DVR/TiVO. I may not get to watch them all, but if I had to list the shows I enjoy watching: The Office, Medium, Heroes, Lost, American Idol, The Sopranos, Mr. Show (I know, it hasn't been on in years).


The main books I read are: Technical Manuals, the Bible, and 'Marriage' books.

My Blog


It is pretty sad that I am a big player in the field IT for Fortune 500 Banking/Finance corporations and I can't even figure out the Auto-Profile Chooser.  I guess I will just have to do it ...
Posted by Ben on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:36:00 PST

GCHS Class of 1992

Some of you are asking so... I am not planning on putting on a 15yr reunion.  The next official class reunion will be in 2012, the big 2-0.  ...
Posted by Ben on Mon, 21 May 2007 10:56:00 PST