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The Loooouv on .com


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I'd like to meet:

Axl would be pretty cool


Radiohead,NIN,Interpol,16volt,MikePatton,Poison theWell,Guns n Roses, Ac/Dc,Tim Skold,Jack off Jill, Elvis , The Stones,Avenged Sevenfold,Old Metallica, The Bled,30 seconds to mars,Plastic Princess,The Cure,Depeche Mode,Veruca Salt,Marilyn Manson,Pink Floyd,


Young Guns 1&2, Trainspotting, Silence of The Lambs, Red Dragon, The Wall, Meeting people is easy MyGen Profile Generator


South Park, Howard Stern,


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Records and bands and stuff

I wanted post some about some music Ive been listening to lately...some old some new and blah.Weezer's Pinkerton record is amazing....Rivers can make you feel great even when you feel like shit becaus...
Posted by The Loooouv on .com on Fri, 11 May 2007 11:50:00 PST