Gnatalie profile picture


There are other worlds than these.

About Me

"I'm the type who'd be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn't going to. I'm the type who'd like to sit home and watch every party that I'm invited to on a monitor in my bedroom." (Andy Warhol)
Natalie is approximately five foot six, of European descent, and probably never going to cut her hair again. Her current place of residence is in a Central Phoenix historic suburb where she lives with Jesse, three irksome felines, and two dogs who like to tear up her backyard and eat the cat poo. Natalie is not what you would call a social butterfly. In fact, she spends a great deal of time at home doing nerdy things or attempting to clean. At present, and for the next few months, Natalie is fat (not too bad) and pregnant. Natalie is a tough nut to crack. She feels awkward in crowds of people she is unfamiliar with, and also finds it hard to make new friends. She is squeamish around anything with more than four legs and small children that she does not know well. Her favorite word as of now is prerogative . She likes her music fast and loud, but would be lying if she said she didn't listen to some of just about everything. Natalie needs to drink significantly more fluids and curb her childish interests, though clearly the odds of either of these happening are slim. She presently works with the mentally handicapped for a living, which means she probably has racked up way more karma points than you could ever even imagine. She thoroughly enjoys cooking and reading books on the subject. Let's be frank and say that Natalie just enjoys reading in general, including but not limited to fantasy, science fiction, poetry, and historical fiction. Right now she is several pages into more books than she can handle. Natalie also greatly enjoys jokes about bodily functions, including but not limited to burping, farting, pooping, and peeing. She also enjoys a good intelligent conversation should the opportunity for such arise. Natalie is awful at returning phone calls, and for that she is sorry. When not at home, she can be found at a few carefully chosen local shows and the resulting shindigs. Sometimes a leisurely bicycle ride or a farting contest is all Natalie requires to be truly happy. If Natalie has ever pissed you off, she is sorry but you probably deserved it. Someday Natalie hopes to have all the tattoos her little heart could ever desire, a house of her own, and a money tree in the back yard, just for security of course. Natalie is not a fan of overly judgemental or pushy people. Though she may act like it, Natalie does not always know what the hell she is talking about. Do not be fooled by her cunning ways.
aol im: coronergnat
e-mail: [email protected]
soulseek: deadworld
* If you are someone Natalie does not like and you know this, do not attempt to contact her through MySpace. She does not speak to you in real life for a reason. Thanks.

My Interests

art, astrology, body modification, camping, cats, cooking, daydreaming, DIY, documentaries, dry humor, fantasy, graphic design, greens, gin + juice, history, horror, ikea, independent films, Jesse, learning, literature, local culture, movies, music, mythology, photoshop, piercings, pinball, playin' cards, pop art, rainy days, reading, remembering, rock 'n' roll, roleplaying games, scarves, sci-fi, sewing, taking photos, tattoos, thinking, thrift stores, travelling, video games

I'd like to meet:

In particular, David Bowie, Edgar Allan Poe, M.C. Escher, Salvador Dali, Leonard Nimoy, Hunter S. Thompson, Robert Plant, Andy Warhol, Vincent Price, Henry Rollins, Jim Henson, Hannibal Lecter... and lots more I'm sure.

I'll probably only add people I already know in person or people with similar interests, so if we have nothing in common it's probably best not to bother.


Amebix, Anal Cunt, Asunder, Atomkinder, Audio Kollaps, Axegrinder, Bathory, Bauhaus, Bjork, Black Sabbath, Black Flag, Bolt Thrower, Bongzilla, Brother Inferior, Celtic Frost, Christ on a Crutch, Christian Death, Circle Jerks, the Clash, the Cramps, Cress, the Damned, David Bowie, Dayglo Abortions, Dead Kennedys, Dead Milkmen, Discharge, Disorder, Doom, the Doors, Dystopia, Earth, Echo & the Bunnymen, Electric Wizard, Electro Hippies, Elton John, E.T.T.S., Eyehategod, the Fartz, FEAR, Flesh Parade, G-ANX, GISM, Graves at Sea, Grief, Guns 'n' Roses, Gwar, Hirax, Hypnosia, Iggy & the Stooges, Impaled, Iron Maiden, Janis Joplin, Johnny Cash, Joy Division, Judas Priest, KISS, Lachrymose, Led Zeppelin, Leonard Nimoy, Madonna, Minor Threat, Megadeth, Mercyful Fate, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Mr. Bungle, Nailbomb, Napalm Death, Neil Young, Nile, Nine Inch Nails, Phobia, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Rapid Fire, Rolling Stones, Rotozaza, Rudimentary Peni, Sea of Deprivation, Simon & Garfunkel, Slayer, Sleep, the Smiths, Stagnation, State of Alert, Sunn o))), T-Rex, Warfair?, Wesley Willis, the Who, William Shatner, X, + many more...


A Clockwork Orange, Alice in Wonderland, American Psycho, Apocalypse Now, Cheech and Chong movies, the Dark Crystal, Dudes, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Faces of Death I-III, Ghost World, Gummo, Heavy Metal, House of 1000 Corpses, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Interview with the Vampire, Labyrinth, the Life Aquatic, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Lost in Translation, Mad Max Trilogy, Natural Born Killers, Pink Floyd: The Wall, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, the Royal Tennenbaums, the Silence of the Lambs, Snatch, Star Trek I-VI, Star Wars Trilogy, Suburbia, Taxi Driver, THX-1138, Tommy, True Romance, Valley Girl, Wizard of Oz


Beavis & Butthead, Cowboy Bebop, Family Guy, Fraggle Rock, Ghosthunters, Jackass, the Muppet Show, Prison Break, Ren and Stimpy, the Simpsons, Star Trek (ORIG), Southpark, Thundercats, Unsolved Mysteries, & the local news. Oh yeah, and documentaries/educational shows.


I'll read just about anything, but I particularly enjoy fantasy, horror, thriller, science fiction type stuff.


Hannibal Lecter

My Blog


IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE?So, here's how it works:1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc.)2. Put it on shuffle3. Press play4. For every question, ty...
Posted by The Enlightened Dreamer on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:49:00 PST


'Why are you going to hell?' at
Posted by The Enlightened Dreamer on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:50:00 PST