I love traveling and most outdoor activities!
Honesty, compassion, HUMOR and kindness are just a few of the qualities that attract my attention...a great smile will also intrigue me :)
If it's playing, I'm listening! I'm into it all but i LOVE LOVE LOVE jazz! Oh, and make sure you check out two of my favs on the local music scene: Simon Russell and Marzuki Grinage... 2 extremely talented individuals with some really FRESH sounds!
I love all kinds of movies, but give me a good ol' fashioned black and white movie (fedoras & fast-talkin' high trousers) and a bag of popcorn and I'm set!
Well, I have been sucked into LOST...and every night my niece and I sit and watch TIVO episodes of Maury! lol!
A brief sampling: Voltaire's Candide (a frequent re-read), Crooked Little Heart by Anne Lamont, Swerve by Aisha Tyler and anything written by Walter Mosley!
My parents, they raised me to believe that people were people, not to be judged by their outward appearance, but by the content of their character!