Tricia profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It is hard to summerize one's self but I will try. I like to learn new things all the time. I want to return to school to finish my nursing degree soon. I love the health care field and helping others. I also work partime cutting hair in a local salon. I am a mother of 4 children (ages 16, 11, 3, 15 months) and work full time in a local hospital. Needless to say, I a very busy most of the time. When possible I like to work on my digital pictures to become a better photo taker/digital editor. I love scrapbooking, but right now it is not possible for me to do it--my 3 yr old wants to help too much ha! ha!. I love to do anything creative, site see, movies, reading, dancing, and many more things that are not dangerous.

My Interests

digital photo editing, taking lots of pictures of my children, learning to take better photos, helping others in my community, reading, watching movies, computers, surfing the web, anything that is cutting edge tech related.

I'd like to meet:

Hi! I would like to meet people with simular interest as mine. I love the medical field, digital photography, computers, pda's, movies, good books, children and talking about life. I like learning from others as well as sharring my experiences to help others.


I like most kinds of music...but mainly what is current or great to dance too.


Sci-Fi, comedy, drama, action adventure


I do not watch much t.v--too busy, but when I do....I like the apprentice, star gate, sometime the reality t.v., the learning channel, E--for the gossip, home and garden, discovery


I like medical mystries, Anne Rice, Dan Brown, ect....


my mother because she is always stedfast in her support of me. She is a wonderful mother and is always there when I need her. She is a good role model for me in becoming a good mother myself.