^_^ I do like to race from time to time. That's actually how I earned this nickname/title. I like video games (8-128 bit and beyond) I also like anime. FLCL, Ghost In The Shell, The GetBackers, Samurai Champloo, anything I can get ahold of unless it SUCKS! I am a very peaceful person myself, and subscribe to the P.L.U.R. lifestyle! I also just love to dance! Well, I do have many more interests. However, I also have to get to DOING them interests. Peace everyone! ^_^
Anyone who seems like they got a cool vibe about them. Famous people? Shit, they're more or less just like us; we've all got some sort of outstanding talent. Personally, I don't really care if your famous. If I meet you and you're likeable, that is to say, not a total ass/bitch/cunt/dick kinda person then we can kick it. Yea, some people want to think a little fame gives them the ability to blow off freaks such as myself. That's cool, people like that I pay little attention to anyway. So if you think I'm interesting enough to talk to, go ahead and talk to me! And if you DO have some fame about ya, I promse not to treat you any different than I'd treat any of my friends.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Def Leppard - Wasted. This song was originally recorded before the drummer lost his arm. This video was taken from (as the beginning suggests) from a tour in 1999, proving that they can rock hard. Even with a one-armed drummer. Rock on!!Metallica - Die Die My Darling Dedicated to those it deserves to be dedicated to.Sugar Ray - Mean Machine
And now kids, enjoy this cartoon!
Le'z see.....Fight Club. The Reality Dysfunction. The Neutronium Alchemist. The Naked God. Jurassic Park. The Conspiracy Club. Rage. All good books!
Most of my heroes are on my friends list. There are a few that aren't because they either don't use the internet, don't use MySpace or they could be the two that I call a hero that are dead. But I still love them anyway. "Cops say legalize drugs!" Don't believe me? Click the banner!