.Guitars, motorcycles, and mountain biking - but you knew that. On that subject, my next ride will be a Honda CBR 954 RR Im also strangely interested in midgets.
Someone recently converted me from a casual coffee drinker to a crack, I mean Starbucks addict.
Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cartman, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allen Poe, John Candy, Madison G, Madison Y, and Sacre. Some are dead, one is a cartoon. But the other three will one day know my face. And I wouldn't mind meeting somebody that would kindly remind the prez that the government is FOR the people. Not in spite of.
-- remember what I said about political correctness? Blah!
Anything but country, polka, or oldies. Classical, jazz, blues, rock, metal - even rap. I hear one more twangy lose-your-dog-and-your-house-to-the-wife song and I could go postal.All other music is likely to be found on my computer or in my car at one point or another.
No matter how many times I watch
I crack up.
I also like
If its not on History, TLC, or Discovery channel, chances are I haven't seen it. Survivor? Heard of it. Never seen it. No, I'm not lying.
Robinson Crusoe, Frankenstein, A Brief History of Nearly Everything. I'll be honest - I generally prefer the movie version - who has time for 400 pages???
Most all of my friends and everybody in my family are heroes in one sense or another. Also, Jeff Healey and