im into tHeatRe aRts,. xO mGa aUditiOns sA sTage pLays,. i Love sTar-gazinG at niGht anD wonDerinG aBout stUffS,. i usuALLy get fAscinATed wiTh aRchiteCturaL maTeriaLs anD stufFs,. tAPos unG mGa aRts,. mGa painTinGs,. wat riLy cAughT my aTtentIon aRe peOpLe wHo mAKe tHeiRseLvEs uSefuL anD intEresTinG,.
a Lot oF fRienDs,. hAr,. unG mAbaIt anD peOpLe wHo niDs aDvicEs,. heARt menDer din aQ,. :)
rOck, aLternaTive, Love sOngs,. hAr,. aCtuaLLY kUng anU anG mAganDa xA pandiniG ok nA xAkin,. :) r&B sOmetimEs, i Love ListeninG tO mAriaH cArey, DashbOaRd cOnfeSsionAL, tAPos unG mGa sEnti sOngs kApAg i'm aLone,. :)
i Love watchinG good moVies,. i'm a hUgE fAn of AngelinA jOLie anD JennifEr LopEz,. :) DenzEl WashinGton, RObin wiLLiamS anD Jim CareY aRe onE oF mY iDoLs,.
i'm a ChiLD aT heArt,. hEkz,. SPONGEBOB anD faiRLY odDpaRents, aS toLd bY GinGer,. poWerpuFf giRLs,. im xo chiLdiSh,. anD ofteNLy i chEck ouT mY mSgs @ LINKTV,.