DyDee profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

/ acTuaLLy, maBaiT pO aKo at xObRanG kuYeT!! sAbi uN nG bAbY kO,. hAr haR,. *tUrO.KITCLOVER* aQ pO anG REYNA nG SAF _SainT_AnDrew'S_FiELd_ ,. nA waLanG HARI,. heKz,. jOwk!! may aSawa nA aQ nOh?! im a thEatrE acTrEss, anD i LovE to sinG,. xoBwa kaHit sa baNyo,. aT habaNg na22LoG anG baBy iCcO kOws, kinaKantaHaN Q riN xA,. mahiLiG diN aQ kuMain, LaLO nA unG siniGanG na hiPon, fRencH friEs,. at maRaminG jUiCe,.i smOke i dRink sO waT's it wiTh yOu?! *tAaS.kiLaY*peopLe sOmetimEs sEe mE bitcHy bUt reaLLy i'M nOt,. heKz!! maBaiT pO akO, medYo waRfReaK at tyms,. *kuHa.bOte.COLT45*if yOu LikE mE as a fRienD, weLL i LikE yOu tOo.. heKz,. bwaHaHaHaHaHa,. diD i sEd daT i'M a weiRdO anD mOst of thE timEs finD LaughTeR as mY waY tO gEt oUt oF a pRobLem,. im a hAppY-gO-LUckY pErsOn,.aQ paLa unG REYNA nA maHiLig sa gaNitOng tAwa,. heKz,.!maSaRaP aQ maGmaHaL,. nDi aQ nanG-aaWaY,. hekZ!!fRienDLy DiN pO atOh,.aDd thiS accT pLeasE,. [email protected] LanG mAgmAhaL anG iSanG tuLad kO,. kEa aYan si iCcO,. hEhEhe,. wE'rE haPpy wiTh eaCh oThEr nA pO,. anD we'Re haVinG ouR 1st baBy nA,. hEhEhE,. mAhaL nA mAhAL pO kiTa iCcO,.xO unG mGa bitcHes aRounD, sTop iT nah,. uRe xo paThEtic nA tLagA,.

My Interests

im into tHeatRe aRts,. xO mGa aUditiOns sA sTage pLays,. i Love sTar-gazinG at niGht anD wonDerinG aBout stUffS,. i usuALLy get fAscinATed wiTh aRchiteCturaL maTeriaLs anD stufFs,. tAPos unG mGa aRts,. mGa painTinGs,. wat riLy cAughT my aTtentIon aRe peOpLe wHo mAKe tHeiRseLvEs uSefuL anD intEresTinG,.

I'd like to meet:

a Lot oF fRienDs,. hAr,. unG mAbaIt anD peOpLe wHo niDs aDvicEs,. heARt menDer din aQ,. :)


rOck, aLternaTive, Love sOngs,. hAr,. aCtuaLLY kUng anU anG mAganDa xA pandiniG ok nA xAkin,. :) r&B sOmetimEs, i Love ListeninG tO mAriaH cArey, DashbOaRd cOnfeSsionAL, tAPos unG mGa sEnti sOngs kApAg i'm aLone,. :)


i Love watchinG good moVies,. i'm a hUgE fAn of AngelinA jOLie anD JennifEr LopEz,. :) DenzEl WashinGton, RObin wiLLiamS anD Jim CareY aRe onE oF mY iDoLs,.


i'm a ChiLD aT heArt,. hEkz,. SPONGEBOB anD faiRLY odDpaRents, aS toLd bY GinGer,. poWerpuFf giRLs,. im xo chiLdiSh,. anD ofteNLy i chEck ouT mY mSgs @ LINKTV,.