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Chango Malo

THE WHISKEY YEARS Now Available on Itunes

About Me

Chango Malo is a soul-punk, pop-core, post-everything rock and roll band from the dusty southwestern town of Tucson, AZ.
Formed in 2000, the six-piece hit the scene immediately with an engaging, hyperkinetic live show that garnered enthusiastic acclaim from both fans and the local media.
They have “pieced together enough styles of rock music to create the smorgasbord sound that Chango Malo calls its own; song to song, and verse to chorus, Chango Malo can switch style, tone and mood without so much as an irregular beat or missed note,” said the Tucson Weekly..
The band is the late Gen X-Gen Y pioneers of Tucson’s music scene who have committed themselves to the town and to the craft. Practicing non-stop, the crew perform religiously and have toured all over the country - impressing crowds where ever they take the stage. With two full length disks and two EPs under their collective belts, the group has also helped promote Tucson music by putting together compilation albums.
Currently touring in support of what the Tucson Weekly calls "their best album to date," The Whiskey Years, Chango Malo will be tearing up the stage in a town near you.
Press Quotes
"Chango Malo has invigorated the community and was invited to play South by Southwest in 2005" - Arizona Daily Star
"Toss six best friends on stage, arm them with an arsenal of high-energy ska-punk-funk-soul songs, wind 'em up, and watch 'em work themselves into a frenetic blur. That's pretty much the formula for a Chango Malo show, and it hasn't stopped working yet." - Tucson Weekly
"Chango Malo played SXSW for the first time this year, in a less-than-ideal circumstance--small stage, out-of-the-way venue--but they may as well have been rocking the Hollywood Bowl for all it mattered to them. They turned in a downright inspired set, and I'm not just saying that because of the backrub I later got from guitarist Ian Philabaum." - Tucson Weekly
"I wrote several months back, in these pages, that Chango Malo was one of those bands that you could stick in front of a crowd, any crowd, and said crowd would be enthralled, won over by the sheer energy of it all, regardless of their musical tastes." - Tucson Weekly
"The fact is this: Chango Malo, with its genre-scattered take on the last 30 years of American music, kicks ass. On top of it all, they're the nicest, most humble guys you could ever hope to meet. And both facts come through on the stage." - Tucson Weekly
"If there's one thing you can say about Chango Malo, it's that they've definitely retained a distinctive sound throughout the years.They also never slack on energy in live shows." -
Purchase The Whiskey Years on iTunes
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My Interests


Member Since: 12/7/2004
Band Members: Chango Malo is :
Influences: Bad Brains, Pixies, Fugazi, Stevie Wonder, Led Zeppelin, At the Drive In, The Police, Faith no More, Prince, Good Talk Russ, Mr. Bungle, Minor Threat, Mike Watt, The Rolling Stones, Cafe Tacuba, Sam Cooke, Bjork, Hot Water Music, Jane's Addiction, Black Flag, Tom Waits, Sonic Youth, Neil Young, Propaghandi, David Bowie, Ween, Otis Reedding, Steelpole Bathtub, Elton John, Public Enemy, Radiohead, Iggy Pop, The Beach Boys, Hum, Curtis Mayfield, Jeff Buckley, Shiner, Jonny Cash ,and about 5 million more
Sounds Like: Purchase The Whiskey Years on iTunes

click on album cover to purchase

Chango Malo Live Documentary Part 1

Chango Malo Live Documentary Part 2

Type of Label: None

My Blog

...a love letter to don jennings

so this is it our friend! no,! you're our brother... been there since the beginning. never thought the day would come when you're inebriated smile would not grace that spot at the front...
Posted by Chango Malo on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:18:00 PST

We love you very very very much

  We just wanted to start by saying thanks. Thank you to everyone that made this tour a great success. Richie in Albuquerque, Leonard at the Atomic, The El Paso Hot Button,GPS, Jill (thanks for t...
Posted by Chango Malo on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:02:00 PST

Toxic Ranch Records top sales for the week ending Sept. 7, 2007

PUBLISHED ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2007: Tucson Weekly Top Ten in Music ..>..> --> Begin Story Body --> Toxic Ranch Records top sales for the week ending Sept. 7, 2007 Chango Malo The Whiskey Years (Inchw...
Posted by Chango Malo on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:27:00 PST

The Whiskey Years Track Listing

The Whiskey Years01 Discharge02 Spider Gut03 A Definite Addicition04 Cops...Criminals05 Mentalsmithing06 Homicide Here We Come07 Born A Bitch08 Philth...
Posted by Chango Malo on Sat, 26 May 2007 08:10:00 PST

It's done!!!

So after thirteen months we've done it. Thirteen months of blood, swear, tears, tracking, overdubs, broken hard drives, re tracking, more overdubs, mixing, and mastering. Our new record "The Whiskey Y...
Posted by Chango Malo on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:02:00 PST

New year, new record, same old jerks

I know there has been a lot of talk about a new Chango Malo record, lets start by saying come hell or high water there well be a new Chango record out this year. Despite line up changes, broken hard d...
Posted by Chango Malo on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:19:00 PST

There were rumors...

There were rumors...there were rumors he was in to field hockey players. Well he is into field hockey players, he is also moving. After six years of blood, sweat, flea infested, floors,sixteen hour dr...
Posted by Chango Malo on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:57:00 PST