Erin profile picture


i love fridays

About Me

Girls are not made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Here's a little secret......The active ingredients for girls: aspartame, marzipan, estrogen, blue gatorade, apricots, margarita mix, mango chutney, citric acid, battery acid, riboflavin, chili powder, sodium butyrate and NO FILLERS or PRESERVATIVES. aka ALL NATURAL.I'm pretty laid back and like to play mediator. I will always be optimistic but like to play devils advocate. I will usually try anything once, especially if its a challenge.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Being in nature is best. Trees, water, dirt, it doesn't matter. Camping, cooking, shopping, touching people, cleaning/organizing (its true buy me a bottle of wine and give me some windex...your place will be spotless.) Hanging out with good people, laughing and talking about sex, i love making people laugh at stupid stuff. I like fixing people medically and emotionally. Gross medical stuff the more guts and blood the better. DANCING, being in the moment, traveling, trying new things even dangerous things. I want to be tougher than the boys. My all-time favorite is sleeping in or taking long showers/baths.


oh gosh here we go: fiona apple, NIN, eagles, pink floyd, grateful dead, primus, jack johnson, ben harper, iron and wine, ani difranco, matisyahu, zepplin, jewel, abba, audioslave, janes, counting crows, brian setzer, santana, janis joplin, cake, goerge thorogood, old jazz/blues, rush, stone temple pilots, beck, black crows, marley, carole king, remember debbie gibson?!, christina agulara, G'n R, johnny cash, no doubt, chili peppers, rusted root, sting, train, system of a down, tori amos, marley, los lobos, phish, nickle creek, ok thats enough for now. I will basically listen to anything, not too much country or gangsta or speed metal ok.Music is life. I play guitar just so-so, piano, sing and give a good effort at the harmonica. I will not ever play drums or be the tamborine girl. I will sing to every song on the radio even if I don't know the words. I still want to be a rockstar...I mean singer/songwriter if this whole dietitian thing doesn't work out.


To bad I can't insert my Netflix list. I give all my recent movie experience credit to Ben. We like to watch really obscure, weird things. He has turned me on to alot of foreign stuff and great movies that I have just never Office Space. Some of my favs: Six degrees of seperation, Freida, Memoirs of a Geisha


Food Network, obviously. TLC, Bravo, A & E... i love Intervention!, Comedy Central, Discovery, and those music channels in the 600's. I am pretty new to the On Demand thing but my roomie is catching me up. Simpsons, old Fresh Prince reruns, Jeopardy, What not to wear, Survivor Man, Miami Ink, Monster House, all those pimped car shows, Alton Brown's show good eats and of course the Daily Show because its the news and Jon Stewart is hot. The spanish channel is also great Sabado Giante!


Well, I haven't read much lately. After graduating I don't want to see a book for a very long time. Textbooks anyways. I do love to read cookbooks or anthropolgy type stuff telling about cultures and food. Hungry Planet is my new book but I have only looked at the pictures. Esquire magazine is awsome.

My Blog

sister in law

well my bro just got hitched a couple hours ago. the wedding was nice and coordinated. i'll get some pics up soon. my feet hurt and i'm hanging with the groomsmen. "hang out with your wang out" just ...
Posted by Erin on Mon, 08 May 2006 09:32:00 PST


Finally!!!! I have been going to school and dedicating all my thoughts to nutrition related things for about 5 yrs. I have reached my goal of becoming a Registered Dietitian by passing this huge exam ...
Posted by Erin on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:38:00 PST