WORLD OF PAIN profile picture


I dont have a fun bone in my body, if I did, I would probably break it doing somthing I didnt really

About Me

PASS THE WORD! PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR THE FAMILY RIGHTS ACT CLICKHERE READ THIS SITE AND PASS THE WORD FOR THE BENIFIT OF OUR CHILDREN AND THE PEOPLE WHO PARENT THEM! TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP PROMOTE THIS ACT, CLICKHERE ............................................................ ................Now, read an article with TRUTH and paste this NEXT link into your browser and educate yourself if you so desire. IT COMES DOWN TO A CHOICE OF BELIEVING THE PROPAGANDA OR TAKING THE INITIATIVE TO DIG AND FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF. HERE IS A GREAT PLACE TO START .....................................................NOW A LITTLE ABOUT MYSELF I am a single father of two wonderful children. Divorced.I enjoy my Toyota 4x4.I live out of town so rarely make new friends. I own ten raw acres of timberland and hope to build a house on it one day.I am legally disabled. (my background image is an X-RAY of my back).I DO, OR TRY TO DO activities that a man my age should be able to easily accomplish. However, because of the nature of my disability, I frequently ellicit severe pain to myself in the process which can last for days and often times weeks. Due to this, my life is often hectic, I find it difficult to know at times if I am waking up, falling down....arriving or leaving....... The prescription medication I take is no friend of mine. I detest the multiple side effects it gives me. I am however FORCED to use it for now. What would be my prefered alternative is illegal by federal standards currently.I get on here now and then to fool arround with my page.
..This profile was edited with some common sense by my part and the help of the following Space codes - Editor MySpace HELP Profile Help!
What Kind of Candy Are You?

What candy best matches your personality?

My Interests

I like to pick huckleberries, morel mushroomsand other fruit in season, I read, collect felix the cat, hunt, fish, boat, 4x4, spend time with my children, pool, darts, watch movies, Bike, Hike, Walleye Club , etc. ect. ect. I DO NOT DANCE.....Unless it is a slow dance with my significant other......(time will tell.) MTGO (Magic th e gathering)Picture [taking, I want to get into photo related intrest more, and have bought a camera to accomidate this.]

I'd like to meet:

People who are HONEST, The lady who is searching for me, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Robin Williams.
Your Animal Personality
Your Power Animal: Shark

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Polar Bear

You have a strong character - you are an aggressive, ambitious, go-getter.
You were born to lead. The Animal Personality Test


Godsmack, NIN, kenny Rogers, Creed, Pink Floyd, Everclear, Googoo Dolls, Jars of clay ect....Oldies, Rock, classical, Jazz, Alternative. I like them all. I do not like some types of gospel and definatly NO horrible opera!


Terminator series "Schwarzenegger", The Truman show, The Fisher King, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Sandra Bullock (Love Potion Number 9) etc. Action/Adventure, Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones series), Commedy (Evolution), Drama, (Lawnmower Man) SCI-FI, Children's (Jungle Book)Vampire movies , etc....


NEWS, That 70's show, 60 min. Documentaries, Channel 7 KSPS (Antique's Road Show) some others............not a heck of a lot. Basic TV, I don't get cable, so, choices are limited.


Dragonlance, ElfQuest (Wendi/Richard PINI) Xanth and Adept series (Piers Anthony) Richard Bauchman [Stephen King] novels.Clive Cussler etc. Also, have many early childhood education books from school. I tried reading the encyclopedia set once, but gave up for now because it was ludicrous. I own a moderate book collection of the above mentioned 100+ and have read most books I own, some twice.


My dad. Christ, our saviour.

My Blog

Today I became a part of a historical movement.

Today was the GOP precinct caucus in WA state.  Today, I became a first time delagate for the ONLY deserving presidential candidate.  Today I became one more person to say NO, I DO HAVE A VO...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 01:53:00 PST


RON PAUL.  I plan on voting for RON PAUL  for 2008.  You can too.  Please show your support and donate if you can.  I donated 25.00.  I know it is not much, but from whe...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:16:00 PST

Fair and Feast.

Well, I managed to attend the fair again this year.  Parking was ridiculous and I ended up parking a few blocks away from the fairgrounds.  My children and my nieces and other family members...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:06:00 PST

Things.......Summer draws to an end.

This summer was an ok summer.  I did not get to go to the beach like I had wanted to, as the campsites were all booked by the time I was ready.  I need to make reservations so next year this...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 04:55:00 PST

IN the mean time..........

Well, I am still waiting for my computer to arrive back from the repair shop.  In the meantime, I have been spending quality time with my children.  I have taken them to see the Transformers...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:59:00 PST

In for repairs...

Well, I had to send my computer into the shop.  It is still under warranty, so why not?  It was making a growling noise, probably the fan clogged with dust, or just worn out.  So, I am ...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 02:39:00 PST

Independence day and party

Well, July fourth was a fun day.  I picked up my children from thier step dads house at 9am and we went back to the mountain from there.  I ended up taking a nap for several hours until our ...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 07:03:00 PST

Where is all of the water going?

So where is all of our water going?  Well, take the billions of people and animals living now and squeeze them till they are dry.  Take all of the automobiles and drain them....(of water pro...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:53:00 PST

Boat fixed......finally.

Well, I finally fixed that hole in the boat.  pictures are posted step by step to show what I had to do to fix it.   I am pretty happy with the repairs, however, I will probably(definat...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 05:57:00 PST

Dang cus word/ more cussing/ hole in the boat!!!!

 So......I recuited my brother in law to go fishing with me.  Great! Or not so great........  I handled the putting the boat end in from the front seat of my truck.  It is  no...
Posted by WORLD OF PAIN on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:04:00 PST