Maria profile picture


I copied this pose from my grandpa...

About Me

girls layout @ HOT
HotFreeLayouts ..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

In the after life I'd like to meet: Leonardo DaVinci and Claude Monet and Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and of course my familySometime soon: Dr John Carter I mean Noah Wyle (bc he reminds me of somebody I used to know), Hulk Hogan (insert laugh here...there is a story about a postcard and my fascination with wrestling when I was in elementary), Shakira....


Anything Shakira...Mana....Alejandra Guzman...Capote Music (jk)...I'm not good with remembering who sings what song so I'll say I like little bit of everything....Oh yeah and Topogigo


Yes I like most girly movies...My all time favorite movie is The Sound of Music (1st copy was given to me by Arnold Rdz for my bday on VHS a long time ago was played many times (thanks Arnold) until this past Mother's Day my mom bought me the DVD copy(but nobody will watch it with me)) Comedies (Spaceball's)....Leathal Weapon....And secretly I enjoy Star Wars bc as I understand it's like a really long Novela backwards....


ER, Friends, Jorge Lopez, Despierta America, Ellen Degeneres Show, Everyone Loves Raymond.....Any reruns of Dharma and Greg...And of course even though I'm not currently hooked on one (Thank God)...Novelas. Oops I do watch Elmo at least once or twice a day. And Maury Povich


Currently my time is spent reading out of a Leap Pad, Curios George, and any book my son gets his hands on. Maybe when he goes to school I can catch up on my reading but for now Run Spot Run....Oh and Elmo


My Mom for obvious reasons and My son for putting up with my public displays of affection and way too many kisses