Fawn profile picture


Always up for meeting someone new!

About Me

I recently just got back from Nicaragua for the second time and God has totally changed my life once again. I finally gave in to His will and my heart and surrendered to the ministry of missions full-time. Now I'm just praying and taking that huge leap of faith that God's gonna take me back to Nicaragua this next year hopefully to live there for at least six months. AND I CAN'T WAIT!
Name: Fawn...yes, like the baby deer
Birthdate: August...27th
Birthplace: Lake Elsinore Cali...
Current Location: Branson Missouri...misery :)
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150
Piercings: ears only
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: still waiting on God for that part...
Overused Phraze: What the FAT!
Food: pizza...canadian bacon and pineapple
Candy: i LOVE chocolate!
Number: they're all good...maybe 7
Color: black and white the absense and presence of all!
Animal: mouse
Drink: Dr Pepper...all the way!
Alcohol Drink: don't drink
Bagel: blueberry with plain cream cheese
Body Part on Opposite sex: I tend to go for personality first...but, abs I guess
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds totally!
Strawberry or Watermelon: both
Hot tea or Ice tea: neither...yuck!
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: ugh, isn't it a given?...hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: can't I have both?
Dog or Cat: I guess I have to say dog b/c I have one :)
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: summer...I'm from Cali, need I say more?
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies..I love to laugh
Love or Money: love...anyone who would choose the other is asking for it.
Bedtime: I'm a night owl...late
&..39;Most Missed Memory:' I used to have a really good guy friend...we don't talk anymore.
Best phyiscal feature: my nose
First Thought Waking Up: "Do I have to?"
Goal for this year: To be more like Jesus...it never changes
Best Friends: Did you know that 20% of the people you know don't like you?
Weakness: I'm not the best about sharing my feelings
Fears: being alone
Heritage: a little bit of german and dutch
Longest relationship: 3 years
Ever Smoked: nope
Pot: nope
Ever been Drunk: nope
Ever been beaten up: uh...no
Ever beaten someone up: definetly no
Ever Shoplifted: seeing as I work in retail...no
Ever Skinny Dipped: yes....I'm bad, I know
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: of course
Been Dumped Lately: well, it's been a few months
Favorite Eye Color: any
Favorite Hair Color: any
Short or Long: short probably...few guys can pull off long hair
Height: tall...at least 6ft
Style: casual/nice dresser...trendy or punkish
Looks or Personality: I go for personality totally...especially a guy who can make me laugh
Hot or Cute either...
Drugs and Alcohol: no way! Treat your body like a temple!
Muscular or Really Skinny: I'll admitt, I tend to go for skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: too many to count
What country do you want to Visit: All of them!
How do you want to Die: however God has planned!
Been to the Mall Lately: I'm there every stinkin' day
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes...when I'm inside
Get along with your Parents: my parents are two of my best friends
Health Freak: I like to be healthy, but I'm not a vegitarian or anything
Do you think your Attractive: sometimes
Believe in Yourself: I believe in God...He works through me
Want to go to College: been there, done that
Do you Smoke: never will...can't stand the smell and it's not good for you
Do you Drink: I drink milk, water, juice, soda, and shakes...that's it
Shower Daily: ugh, yeah...you have to after you exercise
Been in Love: yes...
Do you Sing: yes! I love to sing!
Want to get Married: yes, I do when the right man will have me.
Do you want Children: yes...a lot...and probably more boys than girls
Have your future kids names planned out: maybe..........
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: well, seeing as I don't know how old I'll be when I get married...
Hate anyone: no, sometimes I prefer not to be around certain people...
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My Interests

I love to draw. Art is a huge passion. However, I also love to sing. Music is my second passion and I would love to be albe to have a hit CD. On a more down to earth note...I love the outdoors...anything having to do with nature: hiking, camping, swimming, traveling....and I love to work-out. Running is fun and it's good for you! I also love to hang out with my friends...bowling, chilling, and of course--watching movies!!! On of my favorite past-times. One of the most relaxing things for me to do is sit down on my butt on a comfortable couch and watch a great flick! I'm not huge on reading, but I have read a few odd, but good books: Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wild at Heart, Captivating...and of coure, the B-I-B-L-E...what greater stories than that?! I also love to go on mission trips to other countries. I haven't been too many places yet, but hope to one day. I've been almost everywhere in the U.S., to Canada, Mexico, and Nicaragua...good times.

I'd like to meet:

Well, before I ended up with the degree in Graphic Design my life-long dream had been to be an animator at Disney. I've always had a passion for art...God's blessed me with a gift-the ability to draw...and I've always admired Walt Disney...a guy who started with nothing and ended with so much...and the coolest part, he shared it with everyone else. What an amzaing man!


I'm pretty well rounded when it comes to music. I stay out of the country category...really don't care for it and I'm not huge on rap...but other than that...pretty easy going. I will admit though...I have a few select favorites. In the Christian Category: I love Steven Curtis Chapman...my favorite! Casting Crowns are the bomb...and of course, I can't forget MercyMe. And some favorite oldies...DCTalk, Amy Grant, and Bryan Duncan. In the Non Christian Category: anything...beach boys, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson (select few...love her voice), Mozart, Yellowcard, Weezer, Blink182 (love their sound), Losing to Apathy (I love my brother!), and I could go on forever.


You should be shot if you don't like Napoleon Dynamite, Tommy Boy, Zoolander...those are required. Then you've got your fun cartoons: Ice Age, Shrek, Toy Story. And you can't forget the classics: Braveheart, The Patriot, Singing in the Rain, Sound of Music, all the Die Hard movies, Lethal Weapon (!...I think 4 was my favorite). And of course, the chick flicks...While You Were Sleeping, My Best Friend's Wedding, When Harry Met Sally...and then just the good fun-time and suspense movies: Pirate's of the Caribbean, Panic Room, then Net...etc.


don't watch too much TV...but, if I do, I like mostly the old stuff. I love the Cosby Show, the Steve Harvey Show, Full House, Saved by the Bell. I also like Who's Line is it Anyway, American Idol...and probably my favorite series is Lost...that show Rocks!


Definately my parents. They have always been there for me, rarely ever let me down, have tried their hardest to serve the Lord to the fullest and have always put their children's needs before their own. Thanks for everything you guys! I love you both!

My Blog

The 'Scared' Truth As I Now Know It

So it must seem obvious that I'm not the typical girl. Don't let the picture fool you. I am totally a "Tom Boy" at heart. I have this crazy dream and have had it for a long time now to go and liv...
Posted by Fawn on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:37:00 PST