I love to draw. Art is a huge passion. However, I also love to sing. Music is my second passion and I would love to be albe to have a hit CD. On a more down to earth note...I love the outdoors...anything having to do with nature: hiking, camping, swimming, traveling....and I love to work-out. Running is fun and it's good for you! I also love to hang out with my friends...bowling, chilling, and of course--watching movies!!! On of my favorite past-times. One of the most relaxing things for me to do is sit down on my butt on a comfortable couch and watch a great flick! I'm not huge on reading, but I have read a few odd, but good books: Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wild at Heart, Captivating...and of coure, the B-I-B-L-E...what greater stories than that?! I also love to go on mission trips to other countries. I haven't been too many places yet, but hope to one day. I've been almost everywhere in the U.S., to Canada, Mexico, and Nicaragua...good times.
Well, before I ended up with the degree in Graphic Design my life-long dream had been to be an animator at Disney. I've always had a passion for art...God's blessed me with a gift-the ability to draw...and I've always admired Walt Disney...a guy who started with nothing and ended with so much...and the coolest part, he shared it with everyone else. What an amzaing man!
I'm pretty well rounded when it comes to music. I stay out of the country category...really don't care for it and I'm not huge on rap...but other than that...pretty easy going. I will admit though...I have a few select favorites. In the Christian Category: I love Steven Curtis Chapman...my favorite! Casting Crowns are the bomb...and of course, I can't forget MercyMe. And some favorite oldies...DCTalk, Amy Grant, and Bryan Duncan. In the Non Christian Category: anything...beach boys, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson (select few...love her voice), Mozart, Yellowcard, Weezer, Blink182 (love their sound), Losing to Apathy (I love my brother!), and I could go on forever.
You should be shot if you don't like Napoleon Dynamite, Tommy Boy, Zoolander...those are required. Then you've got your fun cartoons: Ice Age, Shrek, Toy Story. And you can't forget the classics: Braveheart, The Patriot, Singing in the Rain, Sound of Music, all the Die Hard movies, Lethal Weapon (!...I think 4 was my favorite). And of course, the chick flicks...While You Were Sleeping, My Best Friend's Wedding, When Harry Met Sally...and then just the good fun-time and suspense movies: Pirate's of the Caribbean, Panic Room, then Net...etc.
don't watch too much TV...but, if I do, I like mostly the old stuff. I love the Cosby Show, the Steve Harvey Show, Full House, Saved by the Bell. I also like Who's Line is it Anyway, American Idol...and probably my favorite series is Lost...that show Rocks!
Definately my parents. They have always been there for me, rarely ever let me down, have tried their hardest to serve the Lord to the fullest and have always put their children's needs before their own. Thanks for everything you guys! I love you both!