I like brewing a big pot of shroom tea while I down a couple of cold ones and smoke down a cannon, then Its all about running through some woods and howling at a full moon... As I am chasing down the nearest available living animal, I begin to realize how ridiculous this all seems... My Name is Joshua..
To all of my fellow myspacers... I am not entirely sure of everyones intentions on this site, but I am NOT here to date, to find a girlfriend, or simply for an easy fuck... Now that we got that out in the open.. I would like to meet like-minded individuals both male and female who enjoy meeting new people and sharing ideas, stories, advice, and what have you..... If you are one of them, then please.. Don't be shy, add me as a friend and subscribe to my blog... Look forward to hearing from you all...
Anything written by Charlie Kaufman... Sheer genuis, watch it, and watch it again if u have to. Quentin... need I say more. Anything British is kiciking ass right now.. " Welcome to the Layer Cake my son" Personal Favorites include Fight Club, Say ANything, Boondock Saints, The Breakfast Club... The Three Johns.. Depp.. Cusack.. Travolta.. Standing the test of time blockbuster after blockbuster.. Hell you make the list.. Foreign films, Faget about it.. City of God, Amelie, Man bites dog ... Spaghetti Westerns, Slapstick Comedy, Documentaries... and the list continues...
Discovery, Bravo, Pulse24, Food network... The DEADLIEST CATCH.. wow
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Kama Sutra, Homers The Odyssey, and The Illiad, Shakespeares Works, books on Astrology, Mythology, Astronomy
Nelson Mandela- For his undying comittment to the human race... And not just his people . MY MOTHER- for her strength and perserverence throughout her life, and for helping to shape me into the man that I am. Anyone- Who lives life justly and stands up for what they believe in, I say be your own hero, cause we can never have to many...