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About Me

I'm not too sure where this is going to on my page (I haven't quite figured out Myspace fomatting yet), but here it is. I'm not exactly sure why I need to write info about me it seems the only people who look at this page will be people who already know me, then anything I write here will be something they aready know or someting they don't know which will enevitably be horribly misleading beacause of the limitation of the media (there are probably eight useful things one can learn about someone from a blurb none of which could not be convayed in a much better fashion over drinks), the other type of people who would look at this page would be people who don't know me (of which the population size is much larger, but the potencial of them comming to my page is much less becasue if I don't know them they in turn do not know me) for these people anything I say will be infact inadequite to explain who Ben Doran is with 2 caviates.1. I am a terrible speller.2. The reason I have a myspace page is becuase I felt one cannot reasonable be my age, live in LA, and not have a myspace page. Realizing this I would have left LA exept I have a lease. So here we are.

My Interests

I know this is an inappropriate space for it, but i say convention is for people who care more about convention then I do. Why does myspace want to know if I want kids? Isn't this a weird question when coupling people up. Does anyone know any married couple over forty who doesn't have kids. Can't we just assume that at some point everyone wants kids. How many potencial couples has my space killed with the kid question. The only people who don't end up having kids are people who some how are unable to figure out how to get married, but know how to use contriception which is about .0001 of the population. So if you want to have kids and you're significant other doesn't don't worry about it. They will cave. Why doesn't Myspace ask more relevant questions for coupling? Like what kind of music do you like? ..... oh wait

I'd like to meet:

I think the people I'd like to meet are situationally related. Like I'd like to meet the dude who just sold myspace for 200 million bucks when I'm at 711 and need to barrow a couple bucks for a slurpee. How useful would Socrates be at a 711? He doesn't even have a couple bucks and he doesn't know what a Slurpee is. While we're on the subject I would also like to meet someone, right now, who can explain why the people at 711 still call it 711 when it's open 24 hours. If they called it 24 Hour Mart they wouldn't have to put a sign up front saying "Open 24 Hours". I'd like to meet the person who can explain this to me right now, but if I met him 30 minutes from now I probably wouldn't care very much. So my desire to meet someone is situationally related.


I’m a little loath to put down any bands lest I be held to them in 2050. I have this fear that the Bill and Ted prediction of the future will actually happen and some band will unite us ushering a new age of world peace and prosperity through their music. I’m also pretty sure it will be a band I hate. Someone like Sum 41. I know they’re down right now, but they have the perfect level of ambiguity to their existence to bring the world together. They’re fake punk, and they’re Canadian which is like the fake punk version of being American. You can’t peg them down for anything. Are they Christian rock? I don’t know they could be. How old are they? Not sure, the guys could be anywhere between 19 and 32. The other band I’m afraid of is Goo Goo Dolls; it could be them. People seem to like their stuff (not sure if you’re allowed to cuss on myspace) and the lead singer looks like Bon Jovi, in fact they’re the fake punk of Bon Jovi which is the fake punk band of Springstein making them even more dangerous. So if I get behind any bands in 2050 when I run for office some muck raking reporter will dig up my old myspace posting and slam me. Then I’ll have to explain that I was for Goo Goo Dolls before I was against them: “I must have played Boy Named Goo a million times, but then they put out that damn song for the Nick Cage flick”. The problem is no one cares about a nuance in 2050. With that in mind; I like all bands equally well.


Enough when do I get to upload my song.


Books are only useful if you can read. Which I can. I don't want to be an elitist though so I'm going to use the books part of this page for all the nonreaders, throw them a bone, and leave a picture. ___ :) (: ___ I call it "Smiley Face Sad Face". Also let me say to all the nonreaders learn to read it will help you in life. Unfortunatly I think my message will be lost on the iliterate. Sometimes the iliterate are hard to reach by blog.


Coal miners and stay at home moms. My superheroes are femal coal miners who leave the industry to stay home with their kids.