I love writing poetry. I seem to write more of it when I feel that spark of love. Or love lost. I'm working on a Novel write now, more like a memoir..Did I spell that right? I love playing music and traveling the country. Oh the places you see and the people you meet. I love sunsets and sunrises. especially the ones when the moon is still out and the world looks like it is split into night and day. I love seeing and feeling the spirit in small things such as flowers,butterflies, ladybugs,and as simple as leaves falling from the trees. Or how the wind cradles and rocks the trees and flowers as if she is putting her baby to sleep. I love sitting and watching clouds cast their shadows on the mountains.I wish to share my beautiful life with whoever choses to walk through my door. it's always open, I'll leave the light on.But don't let this fool you..That bad boy plays a role underneath all of this ...
I would love to meet everyone I possibly can. Everyone one has something beautiful and amazing about them. We just have to take the time to look for it...I would especially like to meet Bono...
I love U2..they have to be my favorite not only in the music but in the beauty of their souls. I grew up listening to the doors, the beatles, Led Zepplin,Bob Dylan, The Police, Tom Petty,The Cure, Frank Sinatra, etc...I have been in around all types of music. There is something good in all of it. Just last night I had the privilege of hearing Bavu Blakes and D-Madness perform together in Austin Texas. There was some serious magic happening. The beats and words that were flowing was incrediable. I still feel like a infant when it comes to the knowledge of music that still is left to be learned...
My favorite movies ..wow..I love movies. They are truly my first love.Forest Gump~Now this is true movie making of the spirit and that is what I love most in movie making.Stand by me~Does'nt everyone long to have friends like this.Almost Famous~ The writing ability and delivery of Cameron Crowes writing skills are amazing.Legends of the Fall~Epic love stories have a soft spot in my heart.The Doors~Just because I Like Jim Morrison and Oliver Stone and Val Kilmer did and excellant portral.I can go on forever ..I promise to add many more to this list..Basically, I love movies that emulate the spirit of the human heart and exsistence......The Princes Bride~ "Not even death could stop true love"
when I get a chance to watch it. I find myself watching shows Like CSI,and information channels such as Discovery,history,and the Animal Planet.
Wow..I have a whole library in My head that I could share with you.Let's start with what I just read ~ The Footprints of God..This is a amazing fiction about A I supercomputers ...It had me on the edge of my seat..A really good read.I'm just about to start the The Traveler..By John Twelve Hawks...I promise to add more books when I have more time..
The Great Creator~My Father and Mother...My Grandfather and Grandmother and all of my Ancestors that I haven't met until Heaven.These are my true heroes. without them My spirit my have never reached this human capsule that I embody.Bono from U2~ From what I see, He truly is an amazing man.Jim Morrison~ His poetry inspires me..The writers of words~ famous and unknowns..They are the true education of Knowlege and History...Directors, Actors and writers who go aganist the bottom line to show the true beauty of our world...Single Mothers...Families who Love and stay together~ They hold the key to giving our children the futrue..