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Czarina Nykol

Don't question why I need to be so free

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Add to My Profile | More VideosI like sunsets and long walks on the Seriously tho, I love the Earth and all it's forms of life (of course ferrets are my favorite). I can't even pull weeds or kill bugs. I help potato bugs to their feet when they're turned over on their backs. Call me a hippie or a tree hugger, I don't care. I believe that all species of life have a right to live. But I also believe people need to stop having so many damn children. I'm not as sensitive when it comes to humans because I don't really understand human nature and they're usually the cause of their problems as well as the Earth's problems. I absolutely love being in Nature and I cry every time I have to leave it. I want to eventually get away from this modern "civilization" and live off the grid. The biggest thing holding me back from already doing that is I'm not sure how to have ferrets and live naturally. I can't even imagine my life without ferrets. Ferrets have owned me for 10 years now. I currently have 5 wonderful ferrets that are kind enough to let me live with them. I don't believe in the domestication of animals, but we've already done it and it's our responsibility to take care of the ones we have. I generally prefer the company of animals and Nature to that of other humans unless they share the love and respect for Nature and animals that I have."If the only place we can see magnificent animals is in a zoo, it is our own humanity that we have caged" -Ben Mikaelson
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My Interests

Sexy Snape

Add to My Profile | More VideosI love volunteering at The Ferret Cubby Shelter/Rescue, Canoeing, snowshoeing, hiking, a good bike ride, camping, I absolutely love to go swimming (preferebly naked) and cliff diving in a fresh body of water...I'm a total water-baby. Music, good intellectual conversations, reading, learning, questioning things, debating, philosophy, all aspects of art, Guitar Hero! And...Ferrets, ferrets, ferrets, and...oh yeah...ferrets! Which ferret personality are you?
You are the Cuddly Ferret! You love spending time with your owner more than the other ferrets. You prefer a nice warm lap over a hammock.
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I'd like to meet:

Someone who will play Bop-it with me, ferret people, the open-minded, Mary R Shefferman, and Richard Bach.


I absolutely love music! Right now I'm loving blues, folk, and aquistic. I tend to listen to a song, or an entire album, that I love over and over again until I move on. Here's some of what I like (It's actually a short list, I love a lot of music): Marilyn Manson, Jack Johnson, Kate Wolf, BB King, 2 weeks Notis (I saw them play in Memphis and they were awesome), Gotthard, Damien Rice, Joanne Shenandoah, Elvis, Ray Charles, Nebulus, Sharon Burch, The Tiger Lillies, Machine Head, Pantera, Elton John, Sacred Spirits, Enya, Enigma, Dead Can Dance, DJ Irene, Queer as Folk soundtracks, Neil Young, Jethro Tull, NIN, Rage Against the Machine, Tool, Natalie Merchant, Offspring, Razed in Black, Noxiuos Emotion, Lindsay Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, Bob Geldoff, Indie Arie, VAST, Tracy Chapman, Lords of Acid, REM, The Guess Who, The Who, Nick Cave, The Rolling Stones,Ani Difranco, Audioslave, Buddha-Bar, B-Tribe, Barry Manilow, Barry White, Johhny Cash, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Butt Trumpet, Richard Cheese, Cher, Tim McGraw, Gorrilaz, Sarah Brightman, Coldplay, Cybertribe, Tori Amos, Dan Fogelberg, David Bowie, Deep Forest, Delerium, Donna Summers, Eagles, Leonard Cohen, Eminem, Crystal Method, Garbage, Greenday, Gillian Welch, Jeff Buckley, John Lennon, John Micheal Montgomery, Life of Agony, Linkin Park, Lionel Richie, Madonna, Meatloaf, Mary J, Megadeath, Metallica, Midnight Oil, Moby, Natalie Cole, Portishead, The Pretenders, Queen, Ray lynch, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sarah Mclaughlan, Supertramp, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Tina Turner, Tricky. I love a wide variety.


Dances with Wolves may be my favorite, Free Willy (Yes, I like Free Willy!), Pete's Dragon, Polyanna, The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, The Parent Trap (both old an new), Freaky Friday (also both), Secondhand Lions,The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human, What the Bleep Do We Know, Snatch, Ace Ventura, Harry Potter, Boondock Saints, Unconditional Love, Sunshine of the Spotless mind, The Obsession of Darkly Noon (such a fucking weird, but cool movie).


Friends, Queer as Folk, Home Improvement, Roseanne, Prison Break, The Ghost Whisperer, Medium, ER, Earth, South Park, Drawn Together, Animal Planet, The Simpsons, and PBS.dont touch my bone


Any ferret book I can get my hands on, The Ferret Chronicles by Richard Bach, Modern Ferret Magazine, Ferrets magazine, Ferrets USA magazine, Gorrilas in the Mist, Sacajawea, Harry Potter Series, A Bridge Across Forever (such an inspiring book!), One, anything by Dan Brown, His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, Animal Speak, The Stand, Touching Spirit Bear, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, The Sacred Tree, Black Like Me, The Little Prince, Spiritual books, Mystery, Action, Adventure, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Historical Fiction...I just love reading...So many books, so little time.


I've been blessed with many real-life mentors: Mrs. Udy, Holly, Tracy, KK, Stephanie, and most important of all, my mom and best friend. Thank you all for believing in me! And I love what Dian Fossey did for the gorrilas. She really made a huge impact on thier futures. I hope to be the Dian Fossey of the Ferret world someday.

My Blog

Fuck the twats that make spyware and spam

Fuch the twats that make spyware and spam!!! Oh please can I buy what you're selling after you've annoyed me to the breaking point and made my computer not work right?  Fuck you!!!  May you ...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:28:00 PST

"In the US christmas has become the rape of an idea"

As a lot of you who know me already know I don't celebrate christmas, but rather I despise it!  It's the worst time of year to me.  The insanity of buying gifts, the greed, the trying to kil...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:21:00 PST

The Little Prince

"What does that mean--'tame'?""It is an act too often neglected," said the fox."It means to establish ties."" ' To establish ties'?""Just that," said the fox.  "To me, you are still nothing more ...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Sun, 27 May 2007 01:31:00 PST

Gift Wrapping with Ferrets

Clear large space on table for wrapping present. Go to closet and collect bag in which present is contained, and shut door. Open door and remove ferret from closet. Go to cupboard and retrieve roll...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:13:00 PST

Love, A Soul Matter

Love, A Soul Matter-Gotthard You can go to the east, go to the westthere are so many ways to find happinessthere is so much to take, so much to giveso many trails and so many tricksAnd you're gonna be...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:38:00 PST


Still on the topic of expressing things, how does one politely tell another that if s/he doesn't stop smacking while chewing his/her food, I'm going to stab you in the fucking head!?!!!
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:08:00 PST

cheers darlin'

cheers darlin' -damien rice   cheers darlin'here's to you and your lover boycheers darlin'i got years to wait around for youcheers darlin'i've got your wedding bells in my earcheers darlin'you gi...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:07:00 PST


I like to post lyrics that are powerful to me or represent how i feel. I'm not good at expressing things.  Perhaps that's why music is so powerful to me. Cannonball by Damien Rice Still a little ...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 06:15:00 PST


"Soon as you learned to see, pictures. Soon as you learned to listen, stories and songs.  Soon as you learned to read, books and signs and posters, flags and movies and statues and tradition, cla...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:20:00 PST

personal ad

Your anatomycould beour destiny.You have:2 aortahot, red and sweet;2 ventriclesthat suck and pump;4 chambersthat makeyou throbinside. Make a fist.They say your fistis roughlythe size of your heart.I'm...
Posted by Czarina Nykol on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST