CAPERS! profile picture


Feed it..and It will come back

About Me

I have crazy curly hair. I love hoagies. I put ketchup on EVERYTHING. my favorite animal is the steak. I like to build forts out of the couch cushions and sleep in them. My girlfriend folds my underwear. I work too much. I kayak ALOT. I like to ride my bikes. I play in a band. Coffee flows through my veins. I sleep burrito style. I'm extremely active. I love the beach. I like boats and the smell of the sea.
I sea kayak alot
I white water and surf kayak too
The Mobile Command Unit
I love road biking and mountain biking
Sometimes I carry my home on my back
Fishing is fun
I love playin' in the band..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests

graphic design, whitwater kayaking, sea kayaking, surf kayaking, mountain biking road biking, climbing, backpacking, camping, trees, mountains, water, tides, waves, the beach, enjoying a frosty beverage, fishing, playing music, creating stuff, unprcedented quarky humor, history, culture, art, thinking outloud, adventure weekends,

I'd like to meet:

Stephen Hawking, anyone that shops at the jerk store


The Brandnew Heavies, Jamiroquai, Breakestra, Groove Collective, Eryikah Badu, Soulive, The RH Factor, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, Cake, My Morning Jacket, Ween, Wilco, G Love and the Special Sauce, Rad., Liquid Soul, The Soul Sonics, Incognito, Taleb Quali, Tribe Called Quest, Karl Denson, MMW, Lotus, Spearhead, New Deal, Dela Soul, Defunkt, Greyboy Allstars, Scofield, The Roots, Steely Dan, Jos Stone... many more


Good Fellas, Carlito's Way, Fear And Loathing, Pulp Fiction, Grandma's Boy,


Sopranos, Entourage, Ali G show, Robot Chicken Sandwitch, Curb You're Enthusiasm, South Park, Daily Show, Flight of the Concords, Famly Guy


books are what made me smart!


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My Blog

Manhattan Island Marathon Swim

This Last Saturday Tracy and I participated in the Manhattan Island Foundation NYC Swim Marathon as support and Safety Kayakers. What an incredible experience that it was! This is an annual swim in wh...
Posted by CAPERS! on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 08:20:00 PST

Paddling On Great Bay Among Seals

As usual, another great day on the water with fellow members of JSSKA! 12 of us met in Tuckerton this morning for a paddle out on Great Bay and out to the Atlantic. Hopefully we would be lucky enough ...
Posted by CAPERS! on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:33:00 PST

5 Days In the Wilderness

In Late August I led a group of 9 people for 5 days and 4 nights of primitive camping via our kayaks in the wilderness of Adirondack back-country.In brief: We camped - fished - ate fish - had raging f...
Posted by CAPERS! on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:33:00 PST


KayakingGraveyard Of Ships. Arthur kill, Staten Island NY It was definitely an interesting experience to paddle in this urban and industrialized setting. A far cry from the backdrop I'm accustomed t...
Posted by CAPERS! on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:56:00 PST


  1. Polar bears have white farts 2. The Dewy Decimal system can be seen from the highest peak in Machu Pechu 3. Circles are round squares 4. A sneeze is an orgasm of the lungs 5. It is consider...
Posted by CAPERS! on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 09:27:00 PST