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Who Me? right now? well... Not your typical pop blonde bombshell - obviously! Or exotic MTV brunette. A natural born redhead that has the temper to match - don't push my buttons!!! :P I like to get on stage and just plain sing my lungs out till they're on fire, RAW, rock out kinda stuff! I'm very blessed that I get to do that every week with one of Sydney's top cover bands and I just LOVE, I mean LOVE that feeling!!!
Without music I'd be lost, so lost! I love creating, we are in the studio right now, working up some new stuff, some real urban, raw expression stuff. That's what I love about the urban style, it's raw, expressive, and rock out attitude that you can still get on the floor and DO YOUR THING, SHAKE YOUR BOOTY, too! haha.
So enjoy people, 'cause this is one redhead that 'aint going ANYWHERE...