Cuisine. Im an Associate Chef and am fascinated with foods and flavors. More or less anything to do with cooking.Discipleship. Being obediant with what I've been given. Learning to handle the small things so I can be trusted with great things. test
Anybody and everybody...
I have a weird thing with music. I am driven by beats and rhythms which overtake words. Therefore I hear the words but cant put them together with out the beat. It's a talent really.... Basically that eliminates everything NOT GOOD and leaves Hip-Hop and straight Gansta Rap.
I've seen a couple that I like. ..
I Don't have time for it. However if you were to put a season of a television series on DVD and call it Arrested Development....I would watch every episode.
The Bible, Humility, Red Moon Rising, The Vision and the Vow, Celestial Navagation, The Mole People.
Jesus, He came to serve and not be served. Paul, He rejoiced in ALL his sufferings. My Mom and Dad.