Literature, Books, Digital Animation, Japanese Animation, Publishing, Music, Needlework, Sewing, Computers, Current Events, Recent History, Ancient History
Well, I am using this site to locate old friends and aquaintances. Also to make it easier for them to locate me!
I enjoy a rather eclectic combination of music! Ranging from purely instrumental modern movie soundtracks to classical piano, jazz, folk, rock etc.
I enjoy movies! I like movies that push the envelope in some way or experiment with the experience being provided to the audience.
I don't watch television regurlary so most of what I see is available on DVD!I love Comedy Central (Daily Show, Mind of Menci, South Park & Drawn Together!)I love the History Channel but I am happier with History International!I love the National Geographic Channel.And I like to watch the "Murder Channel", Court TV!Favorite Shows: Firefly, The Family Guy, The Simpsons, Samurai Jack , House, Bones & CSI
My taste varies widely in this category as well! I read modern fantasy novels literature majors might consider trash (I love Mercedes Lackey!) but I also have annoyed my husband by laughing out loud while reading Moby Dick at 3am!My biggest challenge in life when it comes to literature is locating decent translations of what I want to read! I majored in classic literature but I never mastered the classic languages (Latin & Greek)! I also have a foundness for well translated Japanese literature!
I can't think of any one person I strive to be like! I am attracted to concepts and qualities.