Sailing the Black Pearl, Raiding, Pillaging, Plundering, Pilfering my weasly black guts out, Finding Treasure, Really Nice Hats, Drinking Rum, Piracy, Smuggling, Looting, Arson, Commandeering Royal Ships, Sailing Under False Colors, Impersonating An Officer Of The Brittish Royal Navy, Impersonating A Cleric Of The Church Of England, Depravity, and, General Lawlessness
Able-bodied crew with the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death, Pirates, Privateers, Fans of the POTC movies, Metal heads, and Rock'n Rollers.
Sea Shanties, my favorite song is "A Pirate's Life For Me", Classic Rock, Metal
Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End, Treasure Island, Cutthroat Island, Kidnapped, The Goonies, Muppets Treasure Island
Video games; Pirates Of The Caribbean, Pirates of the Caribbean the Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End
Treasure Island
Captain Henry Morgan, Anne Bonny, Mary Read, Edward Teach (Black Beard), Errol Flynn, Keith Richards, Johnny Depp