Sandi profile picture


my mom says that if reincarnation exists, she wants to come back as me

About Me

Work: Distance Learning TV producer/director for a large automotive corporation in Detroit (but I live in Canada). Passions: Travel and photography. The work helps fund the passions. It's a good system but it keeps me very busy. I specialize in black and white infrared landscapes, but lately I've been shooting a lot of Detroit bands and corporate head shots, too. Some portfolios of my work can be seen at I love: Kodak HIE b&w 35mm infrared film ~ traveling, whenever and wherever possible ~ adventure ~ learning a new language ~ the desert ~ the ocean ~ my friends ~ my jeep ~ ethnic food ~ music ~ etc...

My Interests

Travel * Photography * Languages * Music * Food * SCUBA * Films * Sailing * Dance

I'd like to meet:

photographers - travelers - music lovers


Thievery Corporation is my current favourite group. Otherwise, love the ambient/groove/chillout/electronica/DJ thing... plus, disco - funk - old school - bossa nova - 80s - Chicago blues - soul - some classic rock


tons, but a cross section includes: Baraka * American Beauty * Bladerunner * Office Space * Star Wars (original trilogy) * Pulp Fiction * Monty Python's The Meaning of Life * The Big Blue (ONLY the original 3-hour version with the Eric Serra soundtrack) * Hal Hartley films * films written by Charlie Kaufman


Only for occasionally turning my brain off... Pilot Guides are great and, (rolls eyes) Sex and the City - I am an addict


travel stories and atlases, mostly

My Blog

Salton Sea exhibit - info & artist's statement

The Salton Sea: what is it? The Salton Sea is the largest lake in California, 35 miles long and 15 miles wide. From a distance, it's a gleaming blue gem in the middle of the hot, empty Colorado Des...
Posted by Sandi on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:16:00 PST

Press Release for my new exhibition

'Waste and Empty is the Salton Sea& scenes of beauty and decay from an accidental oasis'New photo essay and documentary film explore ill-fated lake as part of CEA's SmogFestWindsor photographer Sandi...
Posted by Sandi on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:05:00 PST