Regretfully I must inform you that this website has been dismantled. Over the last four months I have tried every avenue and trick in the book to get the folks at myspace to fix our broken e-mail. And my patience has finally reached an end.
Many of you e-mail us with questions or simply inquires which The Safety Girl or myself have to cut, paste and answer via our personal accounts. This jumping through the hoop routine is fine for a few e-mails every now and then, but as the number of people we communicate with grows… it has become very time consuming and daunting. This site will remain for the short term but it will eventually cease to exist upon final deconstruction!
SOOOOooooooooo... we have authored a mirror site. You will notice it is the single picture on our friend list.
We apologize for this inconvenience, which is out of our control ,but we are doing this in order to abide by our original promise to you… to provide comprehensive and timely safety advice.
We hope you will join us on our new site.
Sincerely, a quite deflated and frustrated Safety Guy!
PS: If you responded to the Crime Situational Awareness and Response Quiz, we will post the answers in the coming week on the NEW site.