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well, did you?

About Me

Good times...good times...

My Interests

MUSIC! singing, writing music, playing keys/piano, guitar, recording shiz on my sweet 4 track (thanks Chipper!) seeing/hearing live music, dancing after drinks, talking about music like I'm an expert. Hanging with myos and family, creating new memories, sunsets, taking pictures, writing in my journals, vintage clothes, bags and shoes/boots, BHs, white russians, jaking out, going on DSH with Lar, saying "I'm done with the dish" and "my tree of shame." LMFAO to Howard everyday - thanks Lar and Liz! Making generic bags, taking little walks to clear my mind, Steve's prank calls, good mosh pittin', traveling and seeing new things, moving every 2 months - 3 years since 1996. Look at all of my pictures for a better idea of my bag.

I'd like to meet:

Cool people in general. Jimi said, "love come shine over the mountains, love come shine over the sea, love will shine over my baby & then I'll know who is for me. In the mean time which is a groovy time." He also said "yeah" a lot in that song.


The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Elliott Smith, Grandaddy, Earlimart, Brickfoot, dios (malos), Built Like Alaska, The Sundays, Super Furry Animals, Fleetwood Mac, Electric Soft Parade, Goldenboy, Goldcard, WEEN, Jane's Addiction, America's greatest hits, Fiona Apple, Radiohead, The Shins, Ella Fitzgerald, Red Hot Chili Peppers except for the new album, John Frusciante, Curtis Mayfield, Wilco, Marvin Gaye, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Quasi, Sparklehorse, Deee-lite, ELO, I could keep going....


The Big Lebowski, Donnie Darko, Buffalo 66, The Breakfast Club, Napoleon Dynamite, Better Off Dead, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Space Balls, Splendor in the Grass (the end still makes me cry!) both Jackass movies, Now It's Upside Down, Funky Monks, Beetlejuice Uncensored - "It's just a stript! I ain't gonna die, Jamie!"


Sex and the City (RIP,) 6 Feet Under (also RIP,) Chappelle Show (did I mention RIP?) South Park and The Simpsons, old school Ren and Stimpy, OG Scooby Doo. I don't really watch TV unless they're my dehvs or I'm at someone's house and they have it on; I haven't had live TV or cable since 2004. I sort of live in a cave, but it's an artsy cave filled with the magic of imagination. LOL! Okay, but TV does sort of suck & steals your brain in 23 minute incriments.


Catcher in the Rye, Summer Sisters, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Lady Chatterly's Lover, The Rainbow, The Plumed Serpent, Bad Girl's Guide to Getting What You Want, The Aeneid, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, Ape and Essence (which I read while hanging out at The Ship in L.A. to add to the experience)


Howard Stern, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Helen Keller, my parents, myo Lar, everyone is great in their own way and I'd like to thank them and tell you that my three favorite drinks are.... d8